My spiritual Life as a teenager took an abounding turn when I joined the Jesus Youth Ministry in my first year of college in Cochin, India. Through this Catholic ministry for youth, I gained strength and confidence in actively living out my Faith. Through this ministry, I was able to gain valuable insight into matters of Faith and spirituality. Not only did I learn more about the Catholic Church and its doctrines, but I was also exposed to many amazing people who shared their own faith stories with me. These stories showed me how having Faith in Jesus and His Holy Mother can impact one’s Life significantly. Through this experience, I came to understand that it is essential for us Christians to strive for holiness and work hard toward leading a Christ-like life.
In addition, by participating in various activities hosted by the Jesus Youth Ministry, such as retreats, prayer vigils, social outreach events and worship meetings, I was able to further my relationship with Jesus Christ. In these activities, I felt a deep sense of connection with Jesus and His Church that led me to open up about my struggles and share my faith story with others. Those wonderful moments of sharing the Faith in Christ with friends and peers of the same age strengthened me on how to carry the mission of the Church into my everyday Life to share the Good News with others, especially those on the peripheries. Through this ministry, I could truly appreciate what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and an evangelizer for the Catholic Faith.
During this time, I grew in my Faith as a young adult and began to understand the importance of having a strong spiritual relationship with Jesus. Through prayerful moments, studying the Bible, and participating in spiritual discourses, prayer vigils and youth retreats, I could come closer to Jesus and his Holy Mother. This experience helped me grow in Faith and gave me the inner peace I had always been searching for. I am deeply grateful to Jesus Youth Ministry for allowing me to nurture my spiritual Life as a teenager and making me understand the importance of a life-long commitment to Jesus and His Church. I am always thankful that Jesus Youth Ministry has impacted my spiritual growth, allowing me to experience Jesus’ love more deeply than ever before.