My earliest childhood memories were filled with the sound of my parents’ teaching me short prayers to Infant Jesus. As a young child, I was unaware of what prayer truly meant and how it could be used to connect with God, and hence I started praying promptly to avoid scolding from my parents and grandparents. Because I was also afraid that Jesus would punish me if I didn’t show him respect and obedience. Hence, I tried to ensure everything was perfect – sitting in a neat position with my hands together, eyes closed, breathing slowly and repeating the prayers that my parents and grandparents said.
My maternal Grandfather was a very kind and spiritually devoted man. He used to tell me many stories about Baby Jesus and his love for little children.He taught me that if I prayed often and obeyed my elders, Baby Jesus would be happy with me and would become my best friend for Life. His words were so calming and inspiring that they marked a transformation in my Faith as a child. Since then, Infant Jesus has been my best Friend for Life.
I remember visiting the local Chapel in my Mom’s neighbourhood alongside my Grandfather during my visits to my Mom’s house in India. As I knelt on the pew in front of the altar, I felt an immense sense of peace fill my heart as I prayed to Infant Jesus for guidance and protection. His gentle presence filled my mind with hope, courage, and joy. As I continued praying throughout my childhood years, I felt like Infant Jesus was growing up with me as a companion – always there to listen and understand. He gave me strength during the hard times and reminded me of his love for me when I felt overwhelmed by Life’s struggles. I’m thankful for having such a close relationship with Infant Jesus, and for all the unconditional love He has given me throughout my Life. Through Him, I have learned so much about patience, endurance and Faith – lessons that will stay with me forever. He truly is my best Friend for Life!