Get Ready to Touch the World
Our Founder's Faith Journey & The Story of Santo Catholic Mission
My Catholic Life – The Foundation
Growing up in a devoted Catholic Family in my hometown in India was a unique and enriching experience

Infant Jesus – My First Friend
I'm thankful for having such a close relationship with Infant Jesus, and for all the unconditional love He has given me throughout my Life.

Holy Mother & Me – The Beginning
From that day onwards, I began my spiritual journey alongside the Holy Mother

St. Joseph – My Patron of Life
I was always happy to have entrusted all my ventures and dreams to the special patronage of St. Joseph, the protector of the Holy Family and Catholic Church

Holy Rosary – My Source of Courage
I try to pray the Rosary as many times as possible, as it gives me immense courage to face any challenges each day brings

Holy Mass – My Energy Booster
Each Holy Mass offers me a great level of energy to withstand all challenges in my life.

Catholic Saints – My Invisible Fireflies
I was always inspired by the life stories of Catholic Saints who guided me in my spiritual journey.

Donkey of Jesus – My Dream of Life
No matter what others may say about you or how abandoned and rejected you may feel, God still needs you

Legion of Mary – The Marian Army
It is an experience that I will always cherish as Legion of Mary has planted the foundation for my own Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother

Jesus Youth Ministry – My Friends in Christ
My spiritual Life as a teenager took an abounding turn when I joined the Jesus Youth Ministry in my first year of college in Cochin, India

Four Dreams - My Divine Call
“I was thrilled that the Holy Mother has chosen me for this Big Mission for Her beloved Son”
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My Catholic Life – The Foundation Growing up in a devoted Catholic Family in my hometown in India was a unique and enriching experience

I was born and raised in a devoted Catholic Family in the small town of Mundamveli, Cochin, Kerala, India, was a unique and enriching experience. My parents and grandparents instilled in me a sincere love and devotion to the Holy Family through stories of many miracles and rewards for those who serve them faithfully. The Catholic prayers and principles learned from my home in India always guided me in my personal and spiritual journey.
My childhood memories of prayer in India are an integral part of my Life. One of my fondest memories is of us (my Grandfather and I) attending the Holy Mass every morning at the parish near our home in Mundamveli. Then, every evening our family would recite the Holy Rosary, Litany of the Holy Mother, prayers for departed souls, consecration prayers to St. Joseph and the Holy Family, prayers to Arch Angels and the Holy Spirit, followed by Reading of Psalm 91 and Bible Scriptures. We also included reading special devotions to St Joseph in March, the Blessed Virgin Mary in May, the Sacred Heart of Jesus in June and Souls of Purgatory in November every year. Singing hymns was a regular part of our family prayer time that I will remember forever.
The sense of love and unity created by these moments is something that I still treasure even after all these years. I’m grateful for the strong sense of Faith, love and unity that was fostered through these special moments we shared. I’m grateful for those times spent in prayer as a family, and it reminds me of the importance of keeping Faith in our lives. These memories are precious to me, and I’m thankful for the beauty it has brought to my Life. Hence, I still follow the same schedule of daily family prayers in our present-day Canadian Life with my wife and children.
Our strong personal prayer life has always helped my family to source comfort and strength in times of turbulence and hardships. The familiarity with which we approached these spiritual practices has stayed with me throughout my Life and continues to bring me joy. These moments will always remain close to my heart as a fond reminder of my upbringing. The beauty created by such times is something I am thankful for every day. And so, I carry on the tradition each evening with gratitude in my heart and peace in my spirit. Growing up in such an environment has made my Faith unshakeable, even today. It is something that I will carry with me forever.
Four Dreams – My Divine Call I was thrilled that the Holy Mother has chosen me for this Big Mission for Her beloved Son
My First Dream

My Second Dream

My Third Dream

My Fourth Dream

Growing up with reverence towards the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, I have been blessed to see her in my night dreams several times. But the most awe-inspiring of these was when I was eighteen and attending a Jesus Youth Ministry retreat in our nearby parish of St. Louis Catholic Church, Mundamveli, India. This Retreat proved to be an unforgettable experience because, during that week, I received four extraordinary dreams from Monday to Thursday nights. Each dream profoundly impacted my spiritual and personal Life.
On the first night of the Retreat, I had a dream in which I saw the Holy Mother standing in the blue sky above my college corridor. Her presence seemed to follow me wherever I went, as if She was watching over me. The sight of Her so pure and radiant filled me with such peace and joy that I thought all my worries had melted away for a moment. Her presence felt comforting and serene, like a mother protecting her child from harm. It was as if She had come to bless my journey on this Retreat and give me strength and guidance for what lay ahead.
On the second night, I saw myself walking on an uphill road toward a mountain. The air was cool and refreshing as I walked up the hill, surrounded by tall buildings that seemed to have transformed into taller books of knowledge. There was an aura of magic and mystery around me, giving me a sense of awe and wonder. My heart raced with excitement as I wondered what secrets I would uncover in this second night's dream. With each new step forward, it seemed like I was discovering something new and unexpected. Was I on my way to unlocking some profound truth? It was unclear, but whatever awaited me at the top of the mountain kept me walking onward with anticipation.
On the Third night, I saw myself standing at the high-view point of the mountain, with an overwhelming view of the entire World. A sense of amazement and calmness filled me as I took in all the beauty that lay in front of me. All my worries seemed to vanish at this moment, and for once, I felt completely free and liberated. I knew then that Life was full of wonder and possibilities waiting for me to explore them.
On the fourth day of my dreams, I saw a newly married couple standing in front of the statue of Perpetual Help. Suddenly, the infant Jesus smiled, took the Holy Rosary from His Mother's hands and offered it to them. As they accepted this offering from the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, their faces lit up with joy. Then, when they raised the Holy Rosary to the crowd behind them, it sparkled with divine beauty, splitting into countless small rosaries that flew out from their hands into the crowd gathered behind them. This resplendent display left all who witnessed it spellbound and profoundly moved.
On the last day of the Retreat after the fourth dream, the Director of the Retreat, Rev. Fr. Jose Uppani made an announcement during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He said,
"A boy named Jofin has been chosen by the Holy Mother to accomplish a greater mission for Her beloved son Jesus."
Upon hearing the announcement, I could hardly contain my emotion as I wondered what it meant and how I could execute this mission that the Holy Mother had chosen me for. Though I was happy and excited with the four dreams I had in the previous four nights, I was unsure of the true meaning of those dreams and the purpose of the divine calling I heard from the priest.
I felt completely unworthy of the mission I was assigned by our Holy Mother. Because I had never been good at doing anything practical or active, and as far as everyone in the community was concerned, I was a useless child. Even tasks such as studying for school tests seemed too complex for me to grasp. Despite my fears and doubts, however, I decided to trust in the will of the Holy Mother and take on this mission with all my heart. That night, I prayed fervently before her portrait of the Holy Mother in our Chapel, asking for guidance and strength to accomplish this mission.
I was in a state of prayerful meditation when suddenly I felt the overwhelming presence of the Holy Mother and felt like she was enveloping me with her love and protection. Then a message came into my heart.;
"Miracles happen in Life when you dare to dream the impossible."
Those words deeply moved me as they struck something deep inside me. A light seemed to shine from within my heart, and I experienced peace and joy I had never known before. The message inspired me to be bolder and reminded me that anything is truly possible if we believe. With newfound Faith and strength, I was determined to prove to everyone that I could be of some use and make the Holy Mother proud.
Santo Catholic Mission – My Mission for the Holy Mother Get Ready to Touch the World

My deepening Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother and Jesus made me even more vital in my prayers since the day of the divine call. I felt a renewed sense of purpose as I gradually started living this sacred mission for the Holy Mother and my best friend, Jesus. With each passing day, my dedication towards praying the Holy Rosary increased multifold, and I could feel that spiritual energy growing within me. Moreover, attending the Holy Mass with more concentration and focus helped me clear my mind from any worldly distractions, instead filling it with immense peace, tranquillity, joy and an abundance of blessings from the Almighty. All these experiences were truly mysterious yet very powerful, guiding me throughout my journey into a closer relationship with my Lord. Therefore, with gratitude and humility, I let go of all my doubts and worries and embraced this divine purpose with all my heart, soul and strength. Devotion to St.Joseph also helped me prepare for this holy mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Foundation
Since I heard the divine call, Holy Mother’s constant grace has been with me, as indicated in my first day’s dream during the Retreat. The strength of her will and the power of her Faith have seen me through countless hurdles and enabled me to unlock levels of success within myself that I did not know were there. She has encouraged me to take risks, embrace challenges, and push past boundaries that may have prevented me from achieving my goals. Every step forward has reaffirmed my commitment to the Lord and driven me to continue striving for further success.
During my college years, I often found myself studying for longer hours than usual and pouring over textbooks even when exams were months away, something which I could have never done without Her constant support and encouragement. This dedication paid off as I achieved higher grades in my B.com, and I went ahead to pursue a master’s degree in commerce – a feat that is accredited to my dear Holy Mother. After completing my post-graduation, I decided to go abroad for further studies and pursue an MBA from England. To this day, I remember the serenity and peace of mind that her presence brought to me during those trying times when it seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. After completing my MBA and a few years of post-study work in England, I moved to Canada in 2012 as a Permanent Resident and completed my CPA-CGA designations in 2016. In 2018, I became a Canadian Citizen; the year after, I completed my ACCA designation from the UK. Throughout my academic and professional journey, Blessed Mother has been with me every step of the way. Her guidance and presence have enabled me to reach greater heights than I ever thought possible.
I dreamed of completing higher education and more extensive educational qualifications as a child. Even though there was no hope of getting to these milestones as a kid growing up in a low-income family in a rural town in India, I always believed that the Holy Mother of Jesus would guide me to these higher educational qualifications. Hence, accomplishing these professional qualifications and designations always made the seven-year-old child inside me incredibly proud and more deeply thankful to Holy Mother who guided me throughout my Life.
Since accomplishing my CPA-CGA Designations in Canada, I have moved on to higher strategic managerial positions, allowing me to observe the World from a different perspective. Those strategic exposures led me to observe and analyze my Life from a higher perspective realizing the potential of contributing my incredible story to the betterment of the people in the entire World, as was illustrated in my third dream of being at the mountaintop and viewing the World as a whole. A sense of spiritual confidence started evolving within me during my personal prayers that, I am now ready to start the Big mission the Holy Mother has chosen me for. In addition, the honour of obtaining Canadian citizenship and understanding what it means to reach and settle on the other end of the World from being born and raised in a small town in India also enhanced my confidence to begin my dream Mission in Life. However, I was still uncertain of how I shall proceed further.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Beginning
In February 2020, just a few months after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was attending the Holy Mass at our Canadian parish. After receiving the Holy Communion, I had a great vision during the personal prayer. The Holy Mother reminded me of the fourth and final dream during the Jesus Youth Retreat, where I saw a couple receiving the Holy Rosary from Infant Jesus and sharing it with the crowd gathered in the Church. Following that vision, I heard an inner voice saying,
“Get Ready to Touch the World”
Inspired by that vision, my wife Simmy and I recorded a Holy Rosary in our native language of Malayalam and shared it through our YouTube Channel, which marked the beginning of the Santo Prayer Mission.
Initially, we shared the Rosary to help our elderly parents and relatives stranded and isolated due to the pandemic to pray the Rosary with us virtually. Later, we began to realize that the Holy Mother was leading us toward developing a bigger-than-life mission through the ‘Santo Prayer Mission,’ and hence, we kept producing more prayer videos. Thus, over three years, between 2020 to 2023, our humble family prayer mission expanded to produce and distribute over 2,000 prayer videos in 12 languages across three YouTube channels, attracting over 8 million views, 3 million watch hours and over 50,000 subscribers from over 70 countries around the World. Moreover, we had all these statistics accomplished without any formal promotion of our content on the social media pages, instead merely being done by the Holy Mother and Her beloved Son Jesus to reassure us of the purpose of our Divine Call. We are humbled and thankful for the journey that has taken us from sharing a single Rosary prayer in Malayalam to touching thousands of lives across the globe with our Santo Prayer Mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Evolution
Inspired by the Worldwide acceptance of our Catholic Family Prayer Mission, we are now partnering with Catholic Clergies and Media Partners worldwide to extend this mission further. This partnership has allowed us to create, license and distribute catholic prayers and inspirational content in over 12 languages through our dedicated Catholic Prayer and Meditation App – Santo. Through the App, we strive to make it easy for people from all over the World to practice their Faith with a simple tap on their smartphones. That’s why we aim to add more catholic content in over 50 languages by 2025, so Catholic believers across the globe will have access to prayers and inspirational content in their native language. We hope the Little Goodness Prayer World app will help people worldwide deepen their connection to Jesus and help them find solace and inner peace through prayer.
Thus, a simple Family Prayer Channel has now evolved into a world-class Catholic Prayer & Meditation App under the divine guidance and direction of the Holy Mother and special patronage of our beloved patron saint St. Joseph to get ready to save the souls for the Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus. Santo Prayer Mission aims to spread love, peace, and hope through prayers and meditation across the globe. We are passionate about providing a platform for people to connect, learn, and grow spiritually. Through the Little Goodness Prayer World app, we hope to create a community of believers who can support each other’s growth in Faith. With our mission in hand, I’m excited to bring the World closer together through prayer and spiritual connection and thus accomplish the divine mission that the Holy Mother has assigned me for our beloved Jesus and His Heavenly Kingdom. Together, let us create a better world through prayers and Faith!
Join us on our mission to spread Faith and prayer around the World!
Join UsInfant Jesus – My First Friend I'm thankful for having such a close relationship with Infant Jesus, and for all the unconditional love He has given me throughout my Life.

My earliest childhood memories were filled with the sound of my parents’ teaching me short prayers to Infant Jesus. As a young child, I was unaware of what prayer truly meant and how it could be used to connect with God, and hence I started praying promptly to avoid scolding from my parents and grandparents. Because I was also afraid that Jesus would punish me if I didn’t show him respect and obedience. Hence, I tried to ensure everything was perfect – sitting in a neat position with my hands together, eyes closed, breathing slowly and repeating the prayers that my parents and grandparents said.
My maternal Grandfather was a very kind and spiritually devoted man. He used to tell me many stories about Baby Jesus and his love for little children.He taught me that if I prayed often and obeyed my elders, Baby Jesus would be happy with me and would become my best friend for Life. His words were so calming and inspiring that they marked a transformation in my Faith as a child. Since then, Infant Jesus has been my best Friend for Life.
I remember visiting the local Chapel in my Mom’s neighbourhood alongside my Grandfather during my visits to my Mom’s house in India. As I knelt on the pew in front of the altar, I felt an immense sense of peace fill my heart as I prayed to Infant Jesus for guidance and protection. His gentle presence filled my mind with hope, courage, and joy. As I continued praying throughout my childhood years, I felt like Infant Jesus was growing up with me as a companion – always there to listen and understand. He gave me strength during the hard times and reminded me of his love for me when I felt overwhelmed by Life’s struggles. I’m thankful for having such a close relationship with Infant Jesus, and for all the unconditional love He has given me throughout my Life. Through Him, I have learned so much about patience, endurance and Faith – lessons that will stay with me forever. He truly is my best Friend for Life!
Four Dreams – My Divine Call I was thrilled that the Holy Mother has chosen me for this Big Mission for Her beloved Son
My First Dream

My Second Dream

My Third Dream

My Fourth Dream

Growing up with reverence towards the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, I have been blessed to see her in my night dreams several times. But the most awe-inspiring of these was when I was eighteen and attending a Jesus Youth Ministry retreat in our nearby parish of St. Louis Catholic Church, Mundamveli, India. This Retreat proved to be an unforgettable experience because, during that week, I received four extraordinary dreams from Monday to Thursday nights. Each dream profoundly impacted my spiritual and personal Life.
On the first night of the Retreat, I had a dream in which I saw the Holy Mother standing in the blue sky above my college corridor. Her presence seemed to follow me wherever I went, as if She was watching over me. The sight of Her so pure and radiant filled me with such peace and joy that I thought all my worries had melted away for a moment. Her presence felt comforting and serene, like a mother protecting her child from harm. It was as if She had come to bless my journey on this Retreat and give me strength and guidance for what lay ahead.
On the second night, I saw myself walking on an uphill road toward a mountain. The air was cool and refreshing as I walked up the hill, surrounded by tall buildings that seemed to have transformed into taller books of knowledge. There was an aura of magic and mystery around me, giving me a sense of awe and wonder. My heart raced with excitement as I wondered what secrets I would uncover in this second night's dream. With each new step forward, it seemed like I was discovering something new and unexpected. Was I on my way to unlocking some profound truth? It was unclear, but whatever awaited me at the top of the mountain kept me walking onward with anticipation.
On the Third night, I saw myself standing at the high-view point of the mountain, with an overwhelming view of the entire World. A sense of amazement and calmness filled me as I took in all the beauty that lay in front of me. All my worries seemed to vanish at this moment, and for once, I felt completely free and liberated. I knew then that Life was full of wonder and possibilities waiting for me to explore them.
On the fourth day of my dreams, I saw a newly married couple standing in front of the statue of Perpetual Help. Suddenly, the infant Jesus smiled, took the Holy Rosary from His Mother's hands and offered it to them. As they accepted this offering from the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, their faces lit up with joy. Then, when they raised the Holy Rosary to the crowd behind them, it sparkled with divine beauty, splitting into countless small rosaries that flew out from their hands into the crowd gathered behind them. This resplendent display left all who witnessed it spellbound and profoundly moved.
On the last day of the Retreat after the fourth dream, the Director of the Retreat, Rev. Fr. Jose Uppani made an announcement during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He said,
"A boy named Jofin has been chosen by the Holy Mother to accomplish a greater mission for Her beloved son Jesus."
Upon hearing the announcement, I could hardly contain my emotion as I wondered what it meant and how I could execute this mission that the Holy Mother had chosen me for. Though I was happy and excited with the four dreams I had in the previous four nights, I was unsure of the true meaning of those dreams and the purpose of the divine calling I heard from the priest.
I felt completely unworthy of the mission I was assigned by our Holy Mother. Because I had never been good at doing anything practical or active, and as far as everyone in the community was concerned, I was a useless child. Even tasks such as studying for school tests seemed too complex for me to grasp. Despite my fears and doubts, however, I decided to trust in the will of the Holy Mother and take on this mission with all my heart. That night, I prayed fervently before her portrait of the Holy Mother in our Chapel, asking for guidance and strength to accomplish this mission.
I was in a state of prayerful meditation when suddenly I felt the overwhelming presence of the Holy Mother and felt like she was enveloping me with her love and protection. Then a message came into my heart.;
"Miracles happen in Life when you dare to dream the impossible."
Those words deeply moved me as they struck something deep inside me. A light seemed to shine from within my heart, and I experienced peace and joy I had never known before. The message inspired me to be bolder and reminded me that anything is truly possible if we believe. With newfound Faith and strength, I was determined to prove to everyone that I could be of some use and make the Holy Mother proud.
Santo Catholic Mission – My Mission for the Holy Mother Get Ready to Touch the World

My deepening Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother and Jesus made me even more vital in my prayers since the day of the divine call. I felt a renewed sense of purpose as I gradually started living this sacred mission for the Holy Mother and my best friend, Jesus. With each passing day, my dedication towards praying the Holy Rosary increased multifold, and I could feel that spiritual energy growing within me. Moreover, attending the Holy Mass with more concentration and focus helped me clear my mind from any worldly distractions, instead filling it with immense peace, tranquillity, joy and an abundance of blessings from the Almighty. All these experiences were truly mysterious yet very powerful, guiding me throughout my journey into a closer relationship with my Lord. Therefore, with gratitude and humility, I let go of all my doubts and worries and embraced this divine purpose with all my heart, soul and strength. Devotion to St.Joseph also helped me prepare for this holy mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Foundation
Since I heard the divine call, Holy Mother’s constant grace has been with me, as indicated in my first day’s dream during the Retreat. The strength of her will and the power of her Faith have seen me through countless hurdles and enabled me to unlock levels of success within myself that I did not know were there. She has encouraged me to take risks, embrace challenges, and push past boundaries that may have prevented me from achieving my goals. Every step forward has reaffirmed my commitment to the Lord and driven me to continue striving for further success.
During my college years, I often found myself studying for longer hours than usual and pouring over textbooks even when exams were months away, something which I could have never done without Her constant support and encouragement. This dedication paid off as I achieved higher grades in my B.com, and I went ahead to pursue a master’s degree in commerce – a feat that is accredited to my dear Holy Mother. After completing my post-graduation, I decided to go abroad for further studies and pursue an MBA from England. To this day, I remember the serenity and peace of mind that her presence brought to me during those trying times when it seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. After completing my MBA and a few years of post-study work in England, I moved to Canada in 2012 as a Permanent Resident and completed my CPA-CGA designations in 2016. In 2018, I became a Canadian Citizen; the year after, I completed my ACCA designation from the UK. Throughout my academic and professional journey, Blessed Mother has been with me every step of the way. Her guidance and presence have enabled me to reach greater heights than I ever thought possible.
I dreamed of completing higher education and more extensive educational qualifications as a child. Even though there was no hope of getting to these milestones as a kid growing up in a low-income family in a rural town in India, I always believed that the Holy Mother of Jesus would guide me to these higher educational qualifications. Hence, accomplishing these professional qualifications and designations always made the seven-year-old child inside me incredibly proud and more deeply thankful to Holy Mother who guided me throughout my Life.
Since accomplishing my CPA-CGA Designations in Canada, I have moved on to higher strategic managerial positions, allowing me to observe the World from a different perspective. Those strategic exposures led me to observe and analyze my Life from a higher perspective realizing the potential of contributing my incredible story to the betterment of the people in the entire World, as was illustrated in my third dream of being at the mountaintop and viewing the World as a whole. A sense of spiritual confidence started evolving within me during my personal prayers that, I am now ready to start the Big mission the Holy Mother has chosen me for. In addition, the honour of obtaining Canadian citizenship and understanding what it means to reach and settle on the other end of the World from being born and raised in a small town in India also enhanced my confidence to begin my dream Mission in Life. However, I was still uncertain of how I shall proceed further.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Beginning
In February 2020, just a few months after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was attending the Holy Mass at our Canadian parish. After receiving the Holy Communion, I had a great vision during the personal prayer. The Holy Mother reminded me of the fourth and final dream during the Jesus Youth Retreat, where I saw a couple receiving the Holy Rosary from Infant Jesus and sharing it with the crowd gathered in the Church. Following that vision, I heard an inner voice saying,
“Get Ready to Touch the World”
Inspired by that vision, my wife Simmy and I recorded a Holy Rosary in our native language of Malayalam and shared it through our YouTube Channel, which marked the beginning of the Santo Prayer Mission.
Initially, we shared the Rosary to help our elderly parents and relatives stranded and isolated due to the pandemic to pray the Rosary with us virtually. Later, we began to realize that the Holy Mother was leading us toward developing a bigger-than-life mission through the ‘Santo Prayer Mission,’ and hence, we kept producing more prayer videos. Thus, over three years, between 2020 to 2023, our humble family prayer mission expanded to produce and distribute over 2,000 prayer videos in 12 languages across three YouTube channels, attracting over 8 million views, 3 million watch hours and over 50,000 subscribers from over 70 countries around the World. Moreover, we had all these statistics accomplished without any formal promotion of our content on the social media pages, instead merely being done by the Holy Mother and Her beloved Son Jesus to reassure us of the purpose of our Divine Call. We are humbled and thankful for the journey that has taken us from sharing a single Rosary prayer in Malayalam to touching thousands of lives across the globe with our Santo Prayer Mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Evolution
Inspired by the Worldwide acceptance of our Catholic Family Prayer Mission, we are now partnering with Catholic Clergies and Media Partners worldwide to extend this mission further. This partnership has allowed us to create, license and distribute catholic prayers and inspirational content in over 12 languages through our dedicated Catholic Prayer and Meditation App – Santo. Through the App, we strive to make it easy for people from all over the World to practice their Faith with a simple tap on their smartphones. That’s why we aim to add more catholic content in over 50 languages by 2025, so Catholic believers across the globe will have access to prayers and inspirational content in their native language. We hope the Little Goodness Prayer World app will help people worldwide deepen their connection to Jesus and help them find solace and inner peace through prayer.
Thus, a simple Family Prayer Channel has now evolved into a world-class Catholic Prayer & Meditation App under the divine guidance and direction of the Holy Mother and special patronage of our beloved patron saint St. Joseph to get ready to save the souls for the Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus. Santo Prayer Mission aims to spread love, peace, and hope through prayers and meditation across the globe. We are passionate about providing a platform for people to connect, learn, and grow spiritually. Through the Little Goodness Prayer World app, we hope to create a community of believers who can support each other’s growth in Faith. With our mission in hand, I’m excited to bring the World closer together through prayer and spiritual connection and thus accomplish the divine mission that the Holy Mother has assigned me for our beloved Jesus and His Heavenly Kingdom. Together, let us create a better world through prayers and Faith!
Join us on our mission to spread Faith and prayer around the World!
Join UsHoly Mother & Me – The Beginning From that day onwards, I began my spiritual journey alongside the Holy Mother

Growing up in a devoted catholic family in India, I was blessed to have the love and guidance of the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus throughout my Life. Whenever I was feeling lost or confused about Life, my Mom would tell me stories about the Holy Mother and encourage me to talk with Her in prayer. I learned that no matter what difficulties I faced, the Holy Mother was always there for me like a loving mother, ready to help guide me through any situation. She reminded me that her love is unwavering and unconditional – just like a mother’s love towards her child. Though I was always devoted to the Holy Mother, Infant Jesus and St. Joseph as far as I can remember due to the influence of my elders at home, my personal faith journey with the Holy Mother started when I was seven years old.
I studied in a Catholic school in the neighbourhood of Mundamveli, Kerala, India, where our native language, Malayalam, was the medium of instruction. However, as my parents had just a primary school education, I had no one to guide or help me in my studies during those early years of my education.
Most of my neighbouring friends had similar circumstances; their parents were daily labourers, living on meagre wages and having only primary education. However, there were a few exceptions in the neighbourhood. Some mothers in our area had a better educational background than my Mother, and they took it upon themselves to teach their children after school hours. Whenever I saw these moms teaching my friends after school hours, I felt a twinge of sadness inside me. Despite my eagerness to learn, no one was there to help me at home with my studies or provide guidance on my school assignments. All I could do was work hard on my own and try to make something out of myself.
One day, when I returned home from school, I asked my Mother to help me learn like other moms who support their children in their studies. She was taken aback at first, but then she told me something that has stayed etched in my memory ever since:
“My child, I do not know how to teach you, so pray to the Holy Mother for help with Your studies. She would guide you in your studies as she had done in the lives of many saints.”
Once she completed these words, I saw my Mom crying with heavy tears rollings down her cheek. I hugged her and consoled her, saying,
“I shall ask the Holy Mother for help; you don’t worry.”
Though I tried to calm my mom, as a seven-year-old kid, I was unsure how I could ever accomplish my dream of learning.
Then I remembered my Grandfather’s advice that,
“Infant Jesus is your best Friend, and you can share all your desires and dreams with him and his beloved Holy Mother.”
Without any delay, I took my grandmother’s broken Rosary from the prayer stand at home and rushed to the nearest Chapel in our neighbourhood.
Though I used to visit the Chapel every evening, on that particular day, however, I had a special purpose in mind. Kneeling before the portrait of the Holy Mother, tears fell down my cheek as I pleaded for her divine assistance. The heartfelt plea that rang out from within me was simple:
“Amma ( meaning Mom), I want to learn. Can you please teach me”
I knew that my family didn’t have the resources for me to pursue higher education, so all I could do as a helpless sever-year old was to pray to my best friend, Infant Jesus and Her Blessed Mother for help. Upon returning home from the Chapel, I started studying, keeping the Holy Rosary in hand as if I were holding my Mother’s hands to guide me in my studies.
That evening marked the beginning of my life journey alongside the Holy Mother. The love and grace of the Holy Mother have been an integral part of my journey ever since. She has been my guide and protector, bestowing her blessings on me when I needed it the most. The Holy Mother has been my faith companion and a true mother figure in my Life. Her presence has reminded me to stay strong and resilient in the face of hardships, guided me through difficult times, and provided me with a comforting embrace during moments of loneliness or despair.
Four Dreams – My Divine Call I was thrilled that the Holy Mother has chosen me for this Big Mission for Her beloved Son
My First Dream

My Second Dream

My Third Dream

My Fourth Dream

Growing up with reverence towards the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, I have been blessed to see her in my night dreams several times. But the most awe-inspiring of these was when I was eighteen and attending a Jesus Youth Ministry retreat in our nearby parish of St. Louis Catholic Church, Mundamveli, India. This Retreat proved to be an unforgettable experience because, during that week, I received four extraordinary dreams from Monday to Thursday nights. Each dream profoundly impacted my spiritual and personal Life.
On the first night of the Retreat, I had a dream in which I saw the Holy Mother standing in the blue sky above my college corridor. Her presence seemed to follow me wherever I went, as if She was watching over me. The sight of Her so pure and radiant filled me with such peace and joy that I thought all my worries had melted away for a moment. Her presence felt comforting and serene, like a mother protecting her child from harm. It was as if She had come to bless my journey on this Retreat and give me strength and guidance for what lay ahead.
On the second night, I saw myself walking on an uphill road toward a mountain. The air was cool and refreshing as I walked up the hill, surrounded by tall buildings that seemed to have transformed into taller books of knowledge. There was an aura of magic and mystery around me, giving me a sense of awe and wonder. My heart raced with excitement as I wondered what secrets I would uncover in this second night's dream. With each new step forward, it seemed like I was discovering something new and unexpected. Was I on my way to unlocking some profound truth? It was unclear, but whatever awaited me at the top of the mountain kept me walking onward with anticipation.
On the Third night, I saw myself standing at the high-view point of the mountain, with an overwhelming view of the entire World. A sense of amazement and calmness filled me as I took in all the beauty that lay in front of me. All my worries seemed to vanish at this moment, and for once, I felt completely free and liberated. I knew then that Life was full of wonder and possibilities waiting for me to explore them.
On the fourth day of my dreams, I saw a newly married couple standing in front of the statue of Perpetual Help. Suddenly, the infant Jesus smiled, took the Holy Rosary from His Mother's hands and offered it to them. As they accepted this offering from the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, their faces lit up with joy. Then, when they raised the Holy Rosary to the crowd behind them, it sparkled with divine beauty, splitting into countless small rosaries that flew out from their hands into the crowd gathered behind them. This resplendent display left all who witnessed it spellbound and profoundly moved.
On the last day of the Retreat after the fourth dream, the Director of the Retreat, Rev. Fr. Jose Uppani made an announcement during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He said,
"A boy named Jofin has been chosen by the Holy Mother to accomplish a greater mission for Her beloved son Jesus."
Upon hearing the announcement, I could hardly contain my emotion as I wondered what it meant and how I could execute this mission that the Holy Mother had chosen me for. Though I was happy and excited with the four dreams I had in the previous four nights, I was unsure of the true meaning of those dreams and the purpose of the divine calling I heard from the priest.
I felt completely unworthy of the mission I was assigned by our Holy Mother. Because I had never been good at doing anything practical or active, and as far as everyone in the community was concerned, I was a useless child. Even tasks such as studying for school tests seemed too complex for me to grasp. Despite my fears and doubts, however, I decided to trust in the will of the Holy Mother and take on this mission with all my heart. That night, I prayed fervently before her portrait of the Holy Mother in our Chapel, asking for guidance and strength to accomplish this mission.
I was in a state of prayerful meditation when suddenly I felt the overwhelming presence of the Holy Mother and felt like she was enveloping me with her love and protection. Then a message came into my heart.;
"Miracles happen in Life when you dare to dream the impossible."
Those words deeply moved me as they struck something deep inside me. A light seemed to shine from within my heart, and I experienced peace and joy I had never known before. The message inspired me to be bolder and reminded me that anything is truly possible if we believe. With newfound Faith and strength, I was determined to prove to everyone that I could be of some use and make the Holy Mother proud.
Santo Catholic Mission – My Mission for the Holy Mother Get Ready to Touch the World

My deepening Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother and Jesus made me even more vital in my prayers since the day of the divine call. I felt a renewed sense of purpose as I gradually started living this sacred mission for the Holy Mother and my best friend, Jesus. With each passing day, my dedication towards praying the Holy Rosary increased multifold, and I could feel that spiritual energy growing within me. Moreover, attending the Holy Mass with more concentration and focus helped me clear my mind from any worldly distractions, instead filling it with immense peace, tranquillity, joy and an abundance of blessings from the Almighty. All these experiences were truly mysterious yet very powerful, guiding me throughout my journey into a closer relationship with my Lord. Therefore, with gratitude and humility, I let go of all my doubts and worries and embraced this divine purpose with all my heart, soul and strength. Devotion to St.Joseph also helped me prepare for this holy mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Foundation
Since I heard the divine call, Holy Mother’s constant grace has been with me, as indicated in my first day’s dream during the Retreat. The strength of her will and the power of her Faith have seen me through countless hurdles and enabled me to unlock levels of success within myself that I did not know were there. She has encouraged me to take risks, embrace challenges, and push past boundaries that may have prevented me from achieving my goals. Every step forward has reaffirmed my commitment to the Lord and driven me to continue striving for further success.
During my college years, I often found myself studying for longer hours than usual and pouring over textbooks even when exams were months away, something which I could have never done without Her constant support and encouragement. This dedication paid off as I achieved higher grades in my B.com, and I went ahead to pursue a master’s degree in commerce – a feat that is accredited to my dear Holy Mother. After completing my post-graduation, I decided to go abroad for further studies and pursue an MBA from England. To this day, I remember the serenity and peace of mind that her presence brought to me during those trying times when it seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. After completing my MBA and a few years of post-study work in England, I moved to Canada in 2012 as a Permanent Resident and completed my CPA-CGA designations in 2016. In 2018, I became a Canadian Citizen; the year after, I completed my ACCA designation from the UK. Throughout my academic and professional journey, Blessed Mother has been with me every step of the way. Her guidance and presence have enabled me to reach greater heights than I ever thought possible.
I dreamed of completing higher education and more extensive educational qualifications as a child. Even though there was no hope of getting to these milestones as a kid growing up in a low-income family in a rural town in India, I always believed that the Holy Mother of Jesus would guide me to these higher educational qualifications. Hence, accomplishing these professional qualifications and designations always made the seven-year-old child inside me incredibly proud and more deeply thankful to Holy Mother who guided me throughout my Life.
Since accomplishing my CPA-CGA Designations in Canada, I have moved on to higher strategic managerial positions, allowing me to observe the World from a different perspective. Those strategic exposures led me to observe and analyze my Life from a higher perspective realizing the potential of contributing my incredible story to the betterment of the people in the entire World, as was illustrated in my third dream of being at the mountaintop and viewing the World as a whole. A sense of spiritual confidence started evolving within me during my personal prayers that, I am now ready to start the Big mission the Holy Mother has chosen me for. In addition, the honour of obtaining Canadian citizenship and understanding what it means to reach and settle on the other end of the World from being born and raised in a small town in India also enhanced my confidence to begin my dream Mission in Life. However, I was still uncertain of how I shall proceed further.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Beginning
In February 2020, just a few months after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was attending the Holy Mass at our Canadian parish. After receiving the Holy Communion, I had a great vision during the personal prayer. The Holy Mother reminded me of the fourth and final dream during the Jesus Youth Retreat, where I saw a couple receiving the Holy Rosary from Infant Jesus and sharing it with the crowd gathered in the Church. Following that vision, I heard an inner voice saying,
“Get Ready to Touch the World”
Inspired by that vision, my wife Simmy and I recorded a Holy Rosary in our native language of Malayalam and shared it through our YouTube Channel, which marked the beginning of the Santo Prayer Mission.
Initially, we shared the Rosary to help our elderly parents and relatives stranded and isolated due to the pandemic to pray the Rosary with us virtually. Later, we began to realize that the Holy Mother was leading us toward developing a bigger-than-life mission through the ‘Santo Prayer Mission,’ and hence, we kept producing more prayer videos. Thus, over three years, between 2020 to 2023, our humble family prayer mission expanded to produce and distribute over 2,000 prayer videos in 12 languages across three YouTube channels, attracting over 8 million views, 3 million watch hours and over 50,000 subscribers from over 70 countries around the World. Moreover, we had all these statistics accomplished without any formal promotion of our content on the social media pages, instead merely being done by the Holy Mother and Her beloved Son Jesus to reassure us of the purpose of our Divine Call. We are humbled and thankful for the journey that has taken us from sharing a single Rosary prayer in Malayalam to touching thousands of lives across the globe with our Santo Prayer Mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Evolution
Inspired by the Worldwide acceptance of our Catholic Family Prayer Mission, we are now partnering with Catholic Clergies and Media Partners worldwide to extend this mission further. This partnership has allowed us to create, license and distribute catholic prayers and inspirational content in over 12 languages through our dedicated Catholic Prayer and Meditation App – Santo. Through the App, we strive to make it easy for people from all over the World to practice their Faith with a simple tap on their smartphones. That’s why we aim to add more catholic content in over 50 languages by 2025, so Catholic believers across the globe will have access to prayers and inspirational content in their native language. We hope the Little Goodness Prayer World app will help people worldwide deepen their connection to Jesus and help them find solace and inner peace through prayer.
Thus, a simple Family Prayer Channel has now evolved into a world-class Catholic Prayer & Meditation App under the divine guidance and direction of the Holy Mother and special patronage of our beloved patron saint St. Joseph to get ready to save the souls for the Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus. Santo Prayer Mission aims to spread love, peace, and hope through prayers and meditation across the globe. We are passionate about providing a platform for people to connect, learn, and grow spiritually. Through the Little Goodness Prayer World app, we hope to create a community of believers who can support each other’s growth in Faith. With our mission in hand, I’m excited to bring the World closer together through prayer and spiritual connection and thus accomplish the divine mission that the Holy Mother has assigned me for our beloved Jesus and His Heavenly Kingdom. Together, let us create a better world through prayers and Faith!
Join us on our mission to spread Faith and prayer around the World!
Join UsSt. Joseph – My Patron of Life I was always happy to have entrusted all my ventures and dreams to the special patronage of St. Joseph, the protector of the Holy Family and Catholic Church

My family has been devoted to St. Joseph since long before I was born. My Grandfather would tell me stories about how St. Joseph protected the Holy Mother and baby Jesus, and those childhood memories taught me the importance of Faith in God’s will. His example of humility, courage, and charity has been a beacon of light in my Life for many years.
My dad was always special to me, and the fact that he shared his name with St. Joseph only made him more special in my eyes. I still remember how whenever people asked us about our father’s name, my sister and I would proudly proclaim, “Joseph! Like St. Joseph!” . We believed that there was some kind of spiritual connection between him and the patron saint of fathers, and it made us feel a great sense of pride. Furthermore, St. Joseph was also a carpenter like my father, which further increased my admiration for him.
As I grew older, my admiration for St. Joseph increased as I read more about him and his essential role in protecting and providing for Infant Jesus and Mary. His faith story inspired me to live out my Faith with love and devotion. From his example, I learned that trust in God’s will can bring great comfort even in difficult times.
Growing up steeped in the Catholic Faith, I fondly remember attending St. Joseph’s special novenas every week at our parish and making an altar dedicated to him in our neighbourhood chapel during his feast day on March 19. The feelings of joy and reverence that would come over me while praying to St. Joseph were overwhelming. It felt like he was there with me, listening to my prayers and granting me peace.
My childhood memories of St. Joseph remain close to my heart, and I take comfort in knowing that he is looking out for me wherever I go. Therefore, I dedicate all my ventures and professional assignments to the special patronage of St. Joseph.
St. Joseph is also the special patron of my Life’s Mission of ‘Little Goodness’, guiding me throughout Little Goodness Prayer World’s planning and development stages. His miraculous intercession and providence were a constant source of strength throughout my life, especially during the financial struggles for planning and execution of the Little Goodness Prayer Mission and the LGPW App.
I am so proud to have him as my life’s patron saint, and I will always be thankful for his exceptional care and guidance. I encourage others of all faiths to reach out in prayer to St. Joseph, too, for his caring spirit is one that knows no bounds. Together we can find joy and comfort in the power of his grace.
Four Dreams – My Divine Call I was thrilled that the Holy Mother has chosen me for this Big Mission for Her beloved Son
My First Dream

My Second Dream

My Third Dream

My Fourth Dream

Growing up with reverence towards the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, I have been blessed to see her in my night dreams several times. But the most awe-inspiring of these was when I was eighteen and attending a Jesus Youth Ministry retreat in our nearby parish of St. Louis Catholic Church, Mundamveli, India. This Retreat proved to be an unforgettable experience because, during that week, I received four extraordinary dreams from Monday to Thursday nights. Each dream profoundly impacted my spiritual and personal Life.
On the first night of the Retreat, I had a dream in which I saw the Holy Mother standing in the blue sky above my college corridor. Her presence seemed to follow me wherever I went, as if She was watching over me. The sight of Her so pure and radiant filled me with such peace and joy that I thought all my worries had melted away for a moment. Her presence felt comforting and serene, like a mother protecting her child from harm. It was as if She had come to bless my journey on this Retreat and give me strength and guidance for what lay ahead.
On the second night, I saw myself walking on an uphill road toward a mountain. The air was cool and refreshing as I walked up the hill, surrounded by tall buildings that seemed to have transformed into taller books of knowledge. There was an aura of magic and mystery around me, giving me a sense of awe and wonder. My heart raced with excitement as I wondered what secrets I would uncover in this second night's dream. With each new step forward, it seemed like I was discovering something new and unexpected. Was I on my way to unlocking some profound truth? It was unclear, but whatever awaited me at the top of the mountain kept me walking onward with anticipation.
On the Third night, I saw myself standing at the high-view point of the mountain, with an overwhelming view of the entire World. A sense of amazement and calmness filled me as I took in all the beauty that lay in front of me. All my worries seemed to vanish at this moment, and for once, I felt completely free and liberated. I knew then that Life was full of wonder and possibilities waiting for me to explore them.
On the fourth day of my dreams, I saw a newly married couple standing in front of the statue of Perpetual Help. Suddenly, the infant Jesus smiled, took the Holy Rosary from His Mother's hands and offered it to them. As they accepted this offering from the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, their faces lit up with joy. Then, when they raised the Holy Rosary to the crowd behind them, it sparkled with divine beauty, splitting into countless small rosaries that flew out from their hands into the crowd gathered behind them. This resplendent display left all who witnessed it spellbound and profoundly moved.
On the last day of the Retreat after the fourth dream, the Director of the Retreat, Rev. Fr. Jose Uppani made an announcement during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He said,
"A boy named Jofin has been chosen by the Holy Mother to accomplish a greater mission for Her beloved son Jesus."
Upon hearing the announcement, I could hardly contain my emotion as I wondered what it meant and how I could execute this mission that the Holy Mother had chosen me for. Though I was happy and excited with the four dreams I had in the previous four nights, I was unsure of the true meaning of those dreams and the purpose of the divine calling I heard from the priest.
I felt completely unworthy of the mission I was assigned by our Holy Mother. Because I had never been good at doing anything practical or active, and as far as everyone in the community was concerned, I was a useless child. Even tasks such as studying for school tests seemed too complex for me to grasp. Despite my fears and doubts, however, I decided to trust in the will of the Holy Mother and take on this mission with all my heart. That night, I prayed fervently before her portrait of the Holy Mother in our Chapel, asking for guidance and strength to accomplish this mission.
I was in a state of prayerful meditation when suddenly I felt the overwhelming presence of the Holy Mother and felt like she was enveloping me with her love and protection. Then a message came into my heart.;
"Miracles happen in Life when you dare to dream the impossible."
Those words deeply moved me as they struck something deep inside me. A light seemed to shine from within my heart, and I experienced peace and joy I had never known before. The message inspired me to be bolder and reminded me that anything is truly possible if we believe. With newfound Faith and strength, I was determined to prove to everyone that I could be of some use and make the Holy Mother proud.
Santo Catholic Mission – My Mission for the Holy Mother Get Ready to Touch the World

My deepening Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother and Jesus made me even more vital in my prayers since the day of the divine call. I felt a renewed sense of purpose as I gradually started living this sacred mission for the Holy Mother and my best friend, Jesus. With each passing day, my dedication towards praying the Holy Rosary increased multifold, and I could feel that spiritual energy growing within me. Moreover, attending the Holy Mass with more concentration and focus helped me clear my mind from any worldly distractions, instead filling it with immense peace, tranquillity, joy and an abundance of blessings from the Almighty. All these experiences were truly mysterious yet very powerful, guiding me throughout my journey into a closer relationship with my Lord. Therefore, with gratitude and humility, I let go of all my doubts and worries and embraced this divine purpose with all my heart, soul and strength. Devotion to St.Joseph also helped me prepare for this holy mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Foundation
Since I heard the divine call, Holy Mother’s constant grace has been with me, as indicated in my first day’s dream during the Retreat. The strength of her will and the power of her Faith have seen me through countless hurdles and enabled me to unlock levels of success within myself that I did not know were there. She has encouraged me to take risks, embrace challenges, and push past boundaries that may have prevented me from achieving my goals. Every step forward has reaffirmed my commitment to the Lord and driven me to continue striving for further success.
During my college years, I often found myself studying for longer hours than usual and pouring over textbooks even when exams were months away, something which I could have never done without Her constant support and encouragement. This dedication paid off as I achieved higher grades in my B.com, and I went ahead to pursue a master’s degree in commerce – a feat that is accredited to my dear Holy Mother. After completing my post-graduation, I decided to go abroad for further studies and pursue an MBA from England. To this day, I remember the serenity and peace of mind that her presence brought to me during those trying times when it seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. After completing my MBA and a few years of post-study work in England, I moved to Canada in 2012 as a Permanent Resident and completed my CPA-CGA designations in 2016. In 2018, I became a Canadian Citizen; the year after, I completed my ACCA designation from the UK. Throughout my academic and professional journey, Blessed Mother has been with me every step of the way. Her guidance and presence have enabled me to reach greater heights than I ever thought possible.
I dreamed of completing higher education and more extensive educational qualifications as a child. Even though there was no hope of getting to these milestones as a kid growing up in a low-income family in a rural town in India, I always believed that the Holy Mother of Jesus would guide me to these higher educational qualifications. Hence, accomplishing these professional qualifications and designations always made the seven-year-old child inside me incredibly proud and more deeply thankful to Holy Mother who guided me throughout my Life.
Since accomplishing my CPA-CGA Designations in Canada, I have moved on to higher strategic managerial positions, allowing me to observe the World from a different perspective. Those strategic exposures led me to observe and analyze my Life from a higher perspective realizing the potential of contributing my incredible story to the betterment of the people in the entire World, as was illustrated in my third dream of being at the mountaintop and viewing the World as a whole. A sense of spiritual confidence started evolving within me during my personal prayers that, I am now ready to start the Big mission the Holy Mother has chosen me for. In addition, the honour of obtaining Canadian citizenship and understanding what it means to reach and settle on the other end of the World from being born and raised in a small town in India also enhanced my confidence to begin my dream Mission in Life. However, I was still uncertain of how I shall proceed further.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Beginning
In February 2020, just a few months after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was attending the Holy Mass at our Canadian parish. After receiving the Holy Communion, I had a great vision during the personal prayer. The Holy Mother reminded me of the fourth and final dream during the Jesus Youth Retreat, where I saw a couple receiving the Holy Rosary from Infant Jesus and sharing it with the crowd gathered in the Church. Following that vision, I heard an inner voice saying,
“Get Ready to Touch the World”
Inspired by that vision, my wife Simmy and I recorded a Holy Rosary in our native language of Malayalam and shared it through our YouTube Channel, which marked the beginning of the Santo Prayer Mission.
Initially, we shared the Rosary to help our elderly parents and relatives stranded and isolated due to the pandemic to pray the Rosary with us virtually. Later, we began to realize that the Holy Mother was leading us toward developing a bigger-than-life mission through the ‘Santo Prayer Mission,’ and hence, we kept producing more prayer videos. Thus, over three years, between 2020 to 2023, our humble family prayer mission expanded to produce and distribute over 2,000 prayer videos in 12 languages across three YouTube channels, attracting over 8 million views, 3 million watch hours and over 50,000 subscribers from over 70 countries around the World. Moreover, we had all these statistics accomplished without any formal promotion of our content on the social media pages, instead merely being done by the Holy Mother and Her beloved Son Jesus to reassure us of the purpose of our Divine Call. We are humbled and thankful for the journey that has taken us from sharing a single Rosary prayer in Malayalam to touching thousands of lives across the globe with our Santo Prayer Mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Evolution
Inspired by the Worldwide acceptance of our Catholic Family Prayer Mission, we are now partnering with Catholic Clergies and Media Partners worldwide to extend this mission further. This partnership has allowed us to create, license and distribute catholic prayers and inspirational content in over 12 languages through our dedicated Catholic Prayer and Meditation App – Santo. Through the App, we strive to make it easy for people from all over the World to practice their Faith with a simple tap on their smartphones. That’s why we aim to add more catholic content in over 50 languages by 2025, so Catholic believers across the globe will have access to prayers and inspirational content in their native language. We hope the Little Goodness Prayer World app will help people worldwide deepen their connection to Jesus and help them find solace and inner peace through prayer.
Thus, a simple Family Prayer Channel has now evolved into a world-class Catholic Prayer & Meditation App under the divine guidance and direction of the Holy Mother and special patronage of our beloved patron saint St. Joseph to get ready to save the souls for the Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus. Santo Prayer Mission aims to spread love, peace, and hope through prayers and meditation across the globe. We are passionate about providing a platform for people to connect, learn, and grow spiritually. Through the Little Goodness Prayer World app, we hope to create a community of believers who can support each other’s growth in Faith. With our mission in hand, I’m excited to bring the World closer together through prayer and spiritual connection and thus accomplish the divine mission that the Holy Mother has assigned me for our beloved Jesus and His Heavenly Kingdom. Together, let us create a better world through prayers and Faith!
Join us on our mission to spread Faith and prayer around the World!
Join UsHoly Rosary – My Source of Courage I try to pray the Rosary as many times as possible, as it gives me immense courage to face any challenges each day brings

My childhood memories remain closely intertwined with those of the Holy Mother — a reminder that I am never alone and that her love will guide me through Life’s journey. She is my rock, my protector, and an ever-present source of comfort. Every day I thank her for all Her blessings and intercession throughout my life. Through her immense love and guidance over the years, I have found the strength to live in this World with courage, integrity and compassion. Growing up, the stories of the Holy Mother were close to my heart. I always listened to all those beautiful stories of her apparitions and miracles from my elders in the neighbourhood. Each tale was more awe-inspiring than the last and reminded me of Her mercy and loving-kindness towards everyone.
As I embarked on Life’s journey, the comfort of her presence kept me going during times of difficulty and pain. Whenever I felt lost or uncertain, her love wrapped around me like a warm blanket, restoring my Faith in God’s plan for me. Her words of kindness gave me the courage to face any obstacle that came my way.
The power of the Rosary has been an essential tool for me throughout my Life. Praying the Rosary daily enabled me to stay focused during turbulent times when all seemed lost. It is truly miraculous how much strength I have gained by simply repeating the Hail Mary and meditating on its words of comfort. By praying the Rosary, I have been able to face my fears and worries with a renewed sense of hope and courage. No matter how daunting Life may seem, the Rosary gives me strength, solace, and peace during trying times. Since my childhood days, the Holy Rosary has brought me closer to the Holy Mother, reminding me of the strength that comes from holding onto something bigger than myself. Its powerful symbolism also reminded me of the protection and unconditional love our Holy Mother offers us all through her prayers and grace. I found myself drawn to it as a reminder of hope and courage, a reminder that I was never truly alone, that the Heavenly Mother of Jesus is always there for me and will continue to be throughout every trial and tribulation.
I thank Jesus every day for blessing me with such a special gift- allowing me to experience the spiritual presence of His beloved Holy Mother in my Life. She continues to guide me through Life’s challenges, inspiring me to carry her love and devotion wherever I go. Her grace gives me strength when I am feeling weak. With her prayers leading the way, I know anything is possible!
Four Dreams – My Divine Call I was thrilled that the Holy Mother has chosen me for this Big Mission for Her beloved Son
My First Dream

My Second Dream

My Third Dream

My Fourth Dream

Growing up with reverence towards the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, I have been blessed to see her in my night dreams several times. But the most awe-inspiring of these was when I was eighteen and attending a Jesus Youth Ministry retreat in our nearby parish of St. Louis Catholic Church, Mundamveli, India. This Retreat proved to be an unforgettable experience because, during that week, I received four extraordinary dreams from Monday to Thursday nights. Each dream profoundly impacted my spiritual and personal Life.
On the first night of the Retreat, I had a dream in which I saw the Holy Mother standing in the blue sky above my college corridor. Her presence seemed to follow me wherever I went, as if She was watching over me. The sight of Her so pure and radiant filled me with such peace and joy that I thought all my worries had melted away for a moment. Her presence felt comforting and serene, like a mother protecting her child from harm. It was as if She had come to bless my journey on this Retreat and give me strength and guidance for what lay ahead.
On the second night, I saw myself walking on an uphill road toward a mountain. The air was cool and refreshing as I walked up the hill, surrounded by tall buildings that seemed to have transformed into taller books of knowledge. There was an aura of magic and mystery around me, giving me a sense of awe and wonder. My heart raced with excitement as I wondered what secrets I would uncover in this second night's dream. With each new step forward, it seemed like I was discovering something new and unexpected. Was I on my way to unlocking some profound truth? It was unclear, but whatever awaited me at the top of the mountain kept me walking onward with anticipation.
On the Third night, I saw myself standing at the high-view point of the mountain, with an overwhelming view of the entire World. A sense of amazement and calmness filled me as I took in all the beauty that lay in front of me. All my worries seemed to vanish at this moment, and for once, I felt completely free and liberated. I knew then that Life was full of wonder and possibilities waiting for me to explore them.
On the fourth day of my dreams, I saw a newly married couple standing in front of the statue of Perpetual Help. Suddenly, the infant Jesus smiled, took the Holy Rosary from His Mother's hands and offered it to them. As they accepted this offering from the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, their faces lit up with joy. Then, when they raised the Holy Rosary to the crowd behind them, it sparkled with divine beauty, splitting into countless small rosaries that flew out from their hands into the crowd gathered behind them. This resplendent display left all who witnessed it spellbound and profoundly moved.
On the last day of the Retreat after the fourth dream, the Director of the Retreat, Rev. Fr. Jose Uppani made an announcement during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He said,
"A boy named Jofin has been chosen by the Holy Mother to accomplish a greater mission for Her beloved son Jesus."
Upon hearing the announcement, I could hardly contain my emotion as I wondered what it meant and how I could execute this mission that the Holy Mother had chosen me for. Though I was happy and excited with the four dreams I had in the previous four nights, I was unsure of the true meaning of those dreams and the purpose of the divine calling I heard from the priest.
I felt completely unworthy of the mission I was assigned by our Holy Mother. Because I had never been good at doing anything practical or active, and as far as everyone in the community was concerned, I was a useless child. Even tasks such as studying for school tests seemed too complex for me to grasp. Despite my fears and doubts, however, I decided to trust in the will of the Holy Mother and take on this mission with all my heart. That night, I prayed fervently before her portrait of the Holy Mother in our Chapel, asking for guidance and strength to accomplish this mission.
I was in a state of prayerful meditation when suddenly I felt the overwhelming presence of the Holy Mother and felt like she was enveloping me with her love and protection. Then a message came into my heart.;
"Miracles happen in Life when you dare to dream the impossible."
Those words deeply moved me as they struck something deep inside me. A light seemed to shine from within my heart, and I experienced peace and joy I had never known before. The message inspired me to be bolder and reminded me that anything is truly possible if we believe. With newfound Faith and strength, I was determined to prove to everyone that I could be of some use and make the Holy Mother proud.
Santo Catholic Mission – My Mission for the Holy Mother Get Ready to Touch the World

My deepening Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother and Jesus made me even more vital in my prayers since the day of the divine call. I felt a renewed sense of purpose as I gradually started living this sacred mission for the Holy Mother and my best friend, Jesus. With each passing day, my dedication towards praying the Holy Rosary increased multifold, and I could feel that spiritual energy growing within me. Moreover, attending the Holy Mass with more concentration and focus helped me clear my mind from any worldly distractions, instead filling it with immense peace, tranquillity, joy and an abundance of blessings from the Almighty. All these experiences were truly mysterious yet very powerful, guiding me throughout my journey into a closer relationship with my Lord. Therefore, with gratitude and humility, I let go of all my doubts and worries and embraced this divine purpose with all my heart, soul and strength. Devotion to St.Joseph also helped me prepare for this holy mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Foundation
Since I heard the divine call, Holy Mother’s constant grace has been with me, as indicated in my first day’s dream during the Retreat. The strength of her will and the power of her Faith have seen me through countless hurdles and enabled me to unlock levels of success within myself that I did not know were there. She has encouraged me to take risks, embrace challenges, and push past boundaries that may have prevented me from achieving my goals. Every step forward has reaffirmed my commitment to the Lord and driven me to continue striving for further success.
During my college years, I often found myself studying for longer hours than usual and pouring over textbooks even when exams were months away, something which I could have never done without Her constant support and encouragement. This dedication paid off as I achieved higher grades in my B.com, and I went ahead to pursue a master’s degree in commerce – a feat that is accredited to my dear Holy Mother. After completing my post-graduation, I decided to go abroad for further studies and pursue an MBA from England. To this day, I remember the serenity and peace of mind that her presence brought to me during those trying times when it seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. After completing my MBA and a few years of post-study work in England, I moved to Canada in 2012 as a Permanent Resident and completed my CPA-CGA designations in 2016. In 2018, I became a Canadian Citizen; the year after, I completed my ACCA designation from the UK. Throughout my academic and professional journey, Blessed Mother has been with me every step of the way. Her guidance and presence have enabled me to reach greater heights than I ever thought possible.
I dreamed of completing higher education and more extensive educational qualifications as a child. Even though there was no hope of getting to these milestones as a kid growing up in a low-income family in a rural town in India, I always believed that the Holy Mother of Jesus would guide me to these higher educational qualifications. Hence, accomplishing these professional qualifications and designations always made the seven-year-old child inside me incredibly proud and more deeply thankful to Holy Mother who guided me throughout my Life.
Since accomplishing my CPA-CGA Designations in Canada, I have moved on to higher strategic managerial positions, allowing me to observe the World from a different perspective. Those strategic exposures led me to observe and analyze my Life from a higher perspective realizing the potential of contributing my incredible story to the betterment of the people in the entire World, as was illustrated in my third dream of being at the mountaintop and viewing the World as a whole. A sense of spiritual confidence started evolving within me during my personal prayers that, I am now ready to start the Big mission the Holy Mother has chosen me for. In addition, the honour of obtaining Canadian citizenship and understanding what it means to reach and settle on the other end of the World from being born and raised in a small town in India also enhanced my confidence to begin my dream Mission in Life. However, I was still uncertain of how I shall proceed further.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Beginning
In February 2020, just a few months after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was attending the Holy Mass at our Canadian parish. After receiving the Holy Communion, I had a great vision during the personal prayer. The Holy Mother reminded me of the fourth and final dream during the Jesus Youth Retreat, where I saw a couple receiving the Holy Rosary from Infant Jesus and sharing it with the crowd gathered in the Church. Following that vision, I heard an inner voice saying,
“Get Ready to Touch the World”
Inspired by that vision, my wife Simmy and I recorded a Holy Rosary in our native language of Malayalam and shared it through our YouTube Channel, which marked the beginning of the Santo Prayer Mission.
Initially, we shared the Rosary to help our elderly parents and relatives stranded and isolated due to the pandemic to pray the Rosary with us virtually. Later, we began to realize that the Holy Mother was leading us toward developing a bigger-than-life mission through the ‘Santo Prayer Mission,’ and hence, we kept producing more prayer videos. Thus, over three years, between 2020 to 2023, our humble family prayer mission expanded to produce and distribute over 2,000 prayer videos in 12 languages across three YouTube channels, attracting over 8 million views, 3 million watch hours and over 50,000 subscribers from over 70 countries around the World. Moreover, we had all these statistics accomplished without any formal promotion of our content on the social media pages, instead merely being done by the Holy Mother and Her beloved Son Jesus to reassure us of the purpose of our Divine Call. We are humbled and thankful for the journey that has taken us from sharing a single Rosary prayer in Malayalam to touching thousands of lives across the globe with our Santo Prayer Mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Evolution
Inspired by the Worldwide acceptance of our Catholic Family Prayer Mission, we are now partnering with Catholic Clergies and Media Partners worldwide to extend this mission further. This partnership has allowed us to create, license and distribute catholic prayers and inspirational content in over 12 languages through our dedicated Catholic Prayer and Meditation App – Santo. Through the App, we strive to make it easy for people from all over the World to practice their Faith with a simple tap on their smartphones. That’s why we aim to add more catholic content in over 50 languages by 2025, so Catholic believers across the globe will have access to prayers and inspirational content in their native language. We hope the Little Goodness Prayer World app will help people worldwide deepen their connection to Jesus and help them find solace and inner peace through prayer.
Thus, a simple Family Prayer Channel has now evolved into a world-class Catholic Prayer & Meditation App under the divine guidance and direction of the Holy Mother and special patronage of our beloved patron saint St. Joseph to get ready to save the souls for the Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus. Santo Prayer Mission aims to spread love, peace, and hope through prayers and meditation across the globe. We are passionate about providing a platform for people to connect, learn, and grow spiritually. Through the Little Goodness Prayer World app, we hope to create a community of believers who can support each other’s growth in Faith. With our mission in hand, I’m excited to bring the World closer together through prayer and spiritual connection and thus accomplish the divine mission that the Holy Mother has assigned me for our beloved Jesus and His Heavenly Kingdom. Together, let us create a better world through prayers and Faith!
Join us on our mission to spread Faith and prayer around the World!
Join UsHoly Mass – My Energy Booster Each Holy Mass offers me a great level of energy to withstand all challenges in my life.

My love for Jesus and my experience of attending the Blessed Sacrament during my childhood days have been an unforgettable part of my spiritual journey. I have always felt a strong connection to Jesus when I attend Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Spending time in silence and stillness before Jesus, who dwells within the consecrated Host, always fills me with peace, hope and courage to face any kind of hardship. During this special occasion, I feel contentment and joy coming from being in His presence.
Every time I attend the Holy Mass, I am reminded of my grandfather’s profound Faith and his love for Jesus. He taught me that the Holy Mass is the most beautiful act of worship to Jesus, and it was from him that I understood what it truly meant to celebrate Jesus’ presence with us during every Mass. My grandfather always said that if we keep our hearts open to the Lord’s presence during the Mass, we will receive His grace and blessings abundantly. This has been my prayer ever since – that through every Holy Mass I experience, may I be filled with a deeper love for Jesus. Each time I knelt before Jesus and said “Amen” after taking Holy Communion, I felt a profound sense of connection with Him. Through participating in the Holy sacrament, I have come to understand His grace more profoundly and accept His unconditional love for us.
The little saints like St. Dominic Savio and St. Theresa of Child Jesus, who is a source of great inspiration for me, lit up something inside my soul that yearned to be closer to Jesus through regular worship at the Mass. Every time I attended Mass, I felt as if Jesus was speaking directly to me through the homilies delivered by priests. And it gave me strength and courage to live a life dedicated to Him.
Even today, I never miss the opportunity to go to Holy Mass. It gives me immense joy knowing that Jesus is there with us, telling us not to worry and be assured of his presence in our lives. It’s like an energy drink that refreshes my spirit every day. Every time I visit the Holy Eucharist, I am reminded of His unconditional love toward us all, which is a source of strength during difficult times. The experience has shaped my belief in Holy Eucharistic and its power to uplift our spirit. Therefore, my Faith in Holy Eucharist will remain strong, and I am sure it will stay with me till my last breath.
Four Dreams – My Divine Call I was thrilled that the Holy Mother has chosen me for this Big Mission for Her beloved Son
My First Dream

My Second Dream

My Third Dream

My Fourth Dream

Growing up with reverence towards the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, I have been blessed to see her in my night dreams several times. But the most awe-inspiring of these was when I was eighteen and attending a Jesus Youth Ministry retreat in our nearby parish of St. Louis Catholic Church, Mundamveli, India. This Retreat proved to be an unforgettable experience because, during that week, I received four extraordinary dreams from Monday to Thursday nights. Each dream profoundly impacted my spiritual and personal Life.
On the first night of the Retreat, I had a dream in which I saw the Holy Mother standing in the blue sky above my college corridor. Her presence seemed to follow me wherever I went, as if She was watching over me. The sight of Her so pure and radiant filled me with such peace and joy that I thought all my worries had melted away for a moment. Her presence felt comforting and serene, like a mother protecting her child from harm. It was as if She had come to bless my journey on this Retreat and give me strength and guidance for what lay ahead.
On the second night, I saw myself walking on an uphill road toward a mountain. The air was cool and refreshing as I walked up the hill, surrounded by tall buildings that seemed to have transformed into taller books of knowledge. There was an aura of magic and mystery around me, giving me a sense of awe and wonder. My heart raced with excitement as I wondered what secrets I would uncover in this second night's dream. With each new step forward, it seemed like I was discovering something new and unexpected. Was I on my way to unlocking some profound truth? It was unclear, but whatever awaited me at the top of the mountain kept me walking onward with anticipation.
On the Third night, I saw myself standing at the high-view point of the mountain, with an overwhelming view of the entire World. A sense of amazement and calmness filled me as I took in all the beauty that lay in front of me. All my worries seemed to vanish at this moment, and for once, I felt completely free and liberated. I knew then that Life was full of wonder and possibilities waiting for me to explore them.
On the fourth day of my dreams, I saw a newly married couple standing in front of the statue of Perpetual Help. Suddenly, the infant Jesus smiled, took the Holy Rosary from His Mother's hands and offered it to them. As they accepted this offering from the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, their faces lit up with joy. Then, when they raised the Holy Rosary to the crowd behind them, it sparkled with divine beauty, splitting into countless small rosaries that flew out from their hands into the crowd gathered behind them. This resplendent display left all who witnessed it spellbound and profoundly moved.
On the last day of the Retreat after the fourth dream, the Director of the Retreat, Rev. Fr. Jose Uppani made an announcement during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He said,
"A boy named Jofin has been chosen by the Holy Mother to accomplish a greater mission for Her beloved son Jesus."
Upon hearing the announcement, I could hardly contain my emotion as I wondered what it meant and how I could execute this mission that the Holy Mother had chosen me for. Though I was happy and excited with the four dreams I had in the previous four nights, I was unsure of the true meaning of those dreams and the purpose of the divine calling I heard from the priest.
I felt completely unworthy of the mission I was assigned by our Holy Mother. Because I had never been good at doing anything practical or active, and as far as everyone in the community was concerned, I was a useless child. Even tasks such as studying for school tests seemed too complex for me to grasp. Despite my fears and doubts, however, I decided to trust in the will of the Holy Mother and take on this mission with all my heart. That night, I prayed fervently before her portrait of the Holy Mother in our Chapel, asking for guidance and strength to accomplish this mission.
I was in a state of prayerful meditation when suddenly I felt the overwhelming presence of the Holy Mother and felt like she was enveloping me with her love and protection. Then a message came into my heart.;
"Miracles happen in Life when you dare to dream the impossible."
Those words deeply moved me as they struck something deep inside me. A light seemed to shine from within my heart, and I experienced peace and joy I had never known before. The message inspired me to be bolder and reminded me that anything is truly possible if we believe. With newfound Faith and strength, I was determined to prove to everyone that I could be of some use and make the Holy Mother proud.
Santo Catholic Mission – My Mission for the Holy Mother Get Ready to Touch the World

My deepening Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother and Jesus made me even more vital in my prayers since the day of the divine call. I felt a renewed sense of purpose as I gradually started living this sacred mission for the Holy Mother and my best friend, Jesus. With each passing day, my dedication towards praying the Holy Rosary increased multifold, and I could feel that spiritual energy growing within me. Moreover, attending the Holy Mass with more concentration and focus helped me clear my mind from any worldly distractions, instead filling it with immense peace, tranquillity, joy and an abundance of blessings from the Almighty. All these experiences were truly mysterious yet very powerful, guiding me throughout my journey into a closer relationship with my Lord. Therefore, with gratitude and humility, I let go of all my doubts and worries and embraced this divine purpose with all my heart, soul and strength. Devotion to St.Joseph also helped me prepare for this holy mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Foundation
Since I heard the divine call, Holy Mother’s constant grace has been with me, as indicated in my first day’s dream during the Retreat. The strength of her will and the power of her Faith have seen me through countless hurdles and enabled me to unlock levels of success within myself that I did not know were there. She has encouraged me to take risks, embrace challenges, and push past boundaries that may have prevented me from achieving my goals. Every step forward has reaffirmed my commitment to the Lord and driven me to continue striving for further success.
During my college years, I often found myself studying for longer hours than usual and pouring over textbooks even when exams were months away, something which I could have never done without Her constant support and encouragement. This dedication paid off as I achieved higher grades in my B.com, and I went ahead to pursue a master’s degree in commerce – a feat that is accredited to my dear Holy Mother. After completing my post-graduation, I decided to go abroad for further studies and pursue an MBA from England. To this day, I remember the serenity and peace of mind that her presence brought to me during those trying times when it seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. After completing my MBA and a few years of post-study work in England, I moved to Canada in 2012 as a Permanent Resident and completed my CPA-CGA designations in 2016. In 2018, I became a Canadian Citizen; the year after, I completed my ACCA designation from the UK. Throughout my academic and professional journey, Blessed Mother has been with me every step of the way. Her guidance and presence have enabled me to reach greater heights than I ever thought possible.
I dreamed of completing higher education and more extensive educational qualifications as a child. Even though there was no hope of getting to these milestones as a kid growing up in a low-income family in a rural town in India, I always believed that the Holy Mother of Jesus would guide me to these higher educational qualifications. Hence, accomplishing these professional qualifications and designations always made the seven-year-old child inside me incredibly proud and more deeply thankful to Holy Mother who guided me throughout my Life.
Since accomplishing my CPA-CGA Designations in Canada, I have moved on to higher strategic managerial positions, allowing me to observe the World from a different perspective. Those strategic exposures led me to observe and analyze my Life from a higher perspective realizing the potential of contributing my incredible story to the betterment of the people in the entire World, as was illustrated in my third dream of being at the mountaintop and viewing the World as a whole. A sense of spiritual confidence started evolving within me during my personal prayers that, I am now ready to start the Big mission the Holy Mother has chosen me for. In addition, the honour of obtaining Canadian citizenship and understanding what it means to reach and settle on the other end of the World from being born and raised in a small town in India also enhanced my confidence to begin my dream Mission in Life. However, I was still uncertain of how I shall proceed further.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Beginning
In February 2020, just a few months after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was attending the Holy Mass at our Canadian parish. After receiving the Holy Communion, I had a great vision during the personal prayer. The Holy Mother reminded me of the fourth and final dream during the Jesus Youth Retreat, where I saw a couple receiving the Holy Rosary from Infant Jesus and sharing it with the crowd gathered in the Church. Following that vision, I heard an inner voice saying,
“Get Ready to Touch the World”
Inspired by that vision, my wife Simmy and I recorded a Holy Rosary in our native language of Malayalam and shared it through our YouTube Channel, which marked the beginning of the Santo Prayer Mission.
Initially, we shared the Rosary to help our elderly parents and relatives stranded and isolated due to the pandemic to pray the Rosary with us virtually. Later, we began to realize that the Holy Mother was leading us toward developing a bigger-than-life mission through the ‘Santo Prayer Mission,’ and hence, we kept producing more prayer videos. Thus, over three years, between 2020 to 2023, our humble family prayer mission expanded to produce and distribute over 2,000 prayer videos in 12 languages across three YouTube channels, attracting over 8 million views, 3 million watch hours and over 50,000 subscribers from over 70 countries around the World. Moreover, we had all these statistics accomplished without any formal promotion of our content on the social media pages, instead merely being done by the Holy Mother and Her beloved Son Jesus to reassure us of the purpose of our Divine Call. We are humbled and thankful for the journey that has taken us from sharing a single Rosary prayer in Malayalam to touching thousands of lives across the globe with our Santo Prayer Mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Evolution
Inspired by the Worldwide acceptance of our Catholic Family Prayer Mission, we are now partnering with Catholic Clergies and Media Partners worldwide to extend this mission further. This partnership has allowed us to create, license and distribute catholic prayers and inspirational content in over 12 languages through our dedicated Catholic Prayer and Meditation App – Santo. Through the App, we strive to make it easy for people from all over the World to practice their Faith with a simple tap on their smartphones. That’s why we aim to add more catholic content in over 50 languages by 2025, so Catholic believers across the globe will have access to prayers and inspirational content in their native language. We hope the Little Goodness Prayer World app will help people worldwide deepen their connection to Jesus and help them find solace and inner peace through prayer.
Thus, a simple Family Prayer Channel has now evolved into a world-class Catholic Prayer & Meditation App under the divine guidance and direction of the Holy Mother and special patronage of our beloved patron saint St. Joseph to get ready to save the souls for the Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus. Santo Prayer Mission aims to spread love, peace, and hope through prayers and meditation across the globe. We are passionate about providing a platform for people to connect, learn, and grow spiritually. Through the Little Goodness Prayer World app, we hope to create a community of believers who can support each other’s growth in Faith. With our mission in hand, I’m excited to bring the World closer together through prayer and spiritual connection and thus accomplish the divine mission that the Holy Mother has assigned me for our beloved Jesus and His Heavenly Kingdom. Together, let us create a better world through prayers and Faith!
Join us on our mission to spread Faith and prayer around the World!
Join UsCatholic Saints – My Invisible Fireflies I was always inspired by the life stories of Catholic Saints who guided me in my spiritual journey.

As a young child growing up in strong Catholic Faith, I have always been inspired by the stories of the Catholic saints. Every time I read a saint’s life story, I am reminded of how bravely they faced adversity and difficulties with courage and remained devoted to God despite all struggles. These stories gave me hope during difficult times and stirred within me a deep devotion to follow in their footsteps and stay true to my faith journey. The examples set forth by each saint have provided me with an abundance of spiritual guidance, shaping my understanding of what it truly means to be devoted to Jesus Christ. No matter who we are or where we come from, these timeless tales remind us that through Faith, anything is possible through Jesus Christ.
Young saints like St. Dominic Savio, St. Theresa of Child Jesus, and St. Maria Goretti were my role models who taught me about unconditional Faith and love toward Infant Jesus and his Holy Mother. Their inspiring lives also motivated me to strive for spiritual harmony with Infant Jesus over the years. In addition, scholar saints like St. Antony, St. Augustine, St. Aquinas and St. Albert provided essential lessons on how to live a pious life full of grace. From St. Jacob to St. George, from St. Sebastian to St. Thomas More, I have drawn strength and courage in difficult times of my professional endeavours. St. Jude’s intercession has given me hope during tough times and his story has comforted me throughout my faith journey.
Similarly, St. Joseph’s example of unwavering commitment toward his family is something that I aspire to emulate in my own Life and draw strength from it even when facing adversity. From Saint Patrick’s perseverance to Saint Francis’s humility, these stories of devotion have been a constant source of inspiration as I continue my Catholic faith journey.
These saints were like ‘fireflies’ lighting my way through the darkness, encouraging me to stay devoted and faithful to Jesus. Throughout my Life, I am eternally grateful for the inspiration that their lives gave me in my faith journey. Their lives, full of sacrifice, Faith and dedication to Jesus Christ, remind us that anything is possible with God’s guidance. Just like fireflies giving us light in the night sky, we can find guidance from the examples set by these saints who dedicated their lives to serving Jesus Christ. They provide motivation and comfort whenever we feel discouraged or hopeless about Life’s challenges. Reading about their commitment to prayer, charitable works and devotion helps us remain steadfast in our own personal growth toward holiness.
Their extraordinary lives remind us that, no matter how difficult the journey may be, we can remain faithful to God and continue trusting in His plan for us. Their stories inspire us to stay strong in our Faith and live a life empowered by the grace of Jesus Christ. Whenever I feel overwhelmed by my struggles, I look to their stories for encouragement and strength. In doing so, I am reminded that Jesus is with us always, showering us with His infinite love and mercy. And just like fireflies illuminating our paths, these saints continue to guide us along the way.
Four Dreams – My Divine Call I was thrilled that the Holy Mother has chosen me for this Big Mission for Her beloved Son
My First Dream

My Second Dream

My Third Dream

My Fourth Dream

Growing up with reverence towards the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, I have been blessed to see her in my night dreams several times. But the most awe-inspiring of these was when I was eighteen and attending a Jesus Youth Ministry retreat in our nearby parish of St. Louis Catholic Church, Mundamveli, India. This Retreat proved to be an unforgettable experience because, during that week, I received four extraordinary dreams from Monday to Thursday nights. Each dream profoundly impacted my spiritual and personal Life.
On the first night of the Retreat, I had a dream in which I saw the Holy Mother standing in the blue sky above my college corridor. Her presence seemed to follow me wherever I went, as if She was watching over me. The sight of Her so pure and radiant filled me with such peace and joy that I thought all my worries had melted away for a moment. Her presence felt comforting and serene, like a mother protecting her child from harm. It was as if She had come to bless my journey on this Retreat and give me strength and guidance for what lay ahead.
On the second night, I saw myself walking on an uphill road toward a mountain. The air was cool and refreshing as I walked up the hill, surrounded by tall buildings that seemed to have transformed into taller books of knowledge. There was an aura of magic and mystery around me, giving me a sense of awe and wonder. My heart raced with excitement as I wondered what secrets I would uncover in this second night's dream. With each new step forward, it seemed like I was discovering something new and unexpected. Was I on my way to unlocking some profound truth? It was unclear, but whatever awaited me at the top of the mountain kept me walking onward with anticipation.
On the Third night, I saw myself standing at the high-view point of the mountain, with an overwhelming view of the entire World. A sense of amazement and calmness filled me as I took in all the beauty that lay in front of me. All my worries seemed to vanish at this moment, and for once, I felt completely free and liberated. I knew then that Life was full of wonder and possibilities waiting for me to explore them.
On the fourth day of my dreams, I saw a newly married couple standing in front of the statue of Perpetual Help. Suddenly, the infant Jesus smiled, took the Holy Rosary from His Mother's hands and offered it to them. As they accepted this offering from the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, their faces lit up with joy. Then, when they raised the Holy Rosary to the crowd behind them, it sparkled with divine beauty, splitting into countless small rosaries that flew out from their hands into the crowd gathered behind them. This resplendent display left all who witnessed it spellbound and profoundly moved.
On the last day of the Retreat after the fourth dream, the Director of the Retreat, Rev. Fr. Jose Uppani made an announcement during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He said,
"A boy named Jofin has been chosen by the Holy Mother to accomplish a greater mission for Her beloved son Jesus."
Upon hearing the announcement, I could hardly contain my emotion as I wondered what it meant and how I could execute this mission that the Holy Mother had chosen me for. Though I was happy and excited with the four dreams I had in the previous four nights, I was unsure of the true meaning of those dreams and the purpose of the divine calling I heard from the priest.
I felt completely unworthy of the mission I was assigned by our Holy Mother. Because I had never been good at doing anything practical or active, and as far as everyone in the community was concerned, I was a useless child. Even tasks such as studying for school tests seemed too complex for me to grasp. Despite my fears and doubts, however, I decided to trust in the will of the Holy Mother and take on this mission with all my heart. That night, I prayed fervently before her portrait of the Holy Mother in our Chapel, asking for guidance and strength to accomplish this mission.
I was in a state of prayerful meditation when suddenly I felt the overwhelming presence of the Holy Mother and felt like she was enveloping me with her love and protection. Then a message came into my heart.;
"Miracles happen in Life when you dare to dream the impossible."
Those words deeply moved me as they struck something deep inside me. A light seemed to shine from within my heart, and I experienced peace and joy I had never known before. The message inspired me to be bolder and reminded me that anything is truly possible if we believe. With newfound Faith and strength, I was determined to prove to everyone that I could be of some use and make the Holy Mother proud.
Santo Catholic Mission – My Mission for the Holy Mother Get Ready to Touch the World

My deepening Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother and Jesus made me even more vital in my prayers since the day of the divine call. I felt a renewed sense of purpose as I gradually started living this sacred mission for the Holy Mother and my best friend, Jesus. With each passing day, my dedication towards praying the Holy Rosary increased multifold, and I could feel that spiritual energy growing within me. Moreover, attending the Holy Mass with more concentration and focus helped me clear my mind from any worldly distractions, instead filling it with immense peace, tranquillity, joy and an abundance of blessings from the Almighty. All these experiences were truly mysterious yet very powerful, guiding me throughout my journey into a closer relationship with my Lord. Therefore, with gratitude and humility, I let go of all my doubts and worries and embraced this divine purpose with all my heart, soul and strength. Devotion to St.Joseph also helped me prepare for this holy mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Foundation
Since I heard the divine call, Holy Mother’s constant grace has been with me, as indicated in my first day’s dream during the Retreat. The strength of her will and the power of her Faith have seen me through countless hurdles and enabled me to unlock levels of success within myself that I did not know were there. She has encouraged me to take risks, embrace challenges, and push past boundaries that may have prevented me from achieving my goals. Every step forward has reaffirmed my commitment to the Lord and driven me to continue striving for further success.
During my college years, I often found myself studying for longer hours than usual and pouring over textbooks even when exams were months away, something which I could have never done without Her constant support and encouragement. This dedication paid off as I achieved higher grades in my B.com, and I went ahead to pursue a master’s degree in commerce – a feat that is accredited to my dear Holy Mother. After completing my post-graduation, I decided to go abroad for further studies and pursue an MBA from England. To this day, I remember the serenity and peace of mind that her presence brought to me during those trying times when it seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. After completing my MBA and a few years of post-study work in England, I moved to Canada in 2012 as a Permanent Resident and completed my CPA-CGA designations in 2016. In 2018, I became a Canadian Citizen; the year after, I completed my ACCA designation from the UK. Throughout my academic and professional journey, Blessed Mother has been with me every step of the way. Her guidance and presence have enabled me to reach greater heights than I ever thought possible.
I dreamed of completing higher education and more extensive educational qualifications as a child. Even though there was no hope of getting to these milestones as a kid growing up in a low-income family in a rural town in India, I always believed that the Holy Mother of Jesus would guide me to these higher educational qualifications. Hence, accomplishing these professional qualifications and designations always made the seven-year-old child inside me incredibly proud and more deeply thankful to Holy Mother who guided me throughout my Life.
Since accomplishing my CPA-CGA Designations in Canada, I have moved on to higher strategic managerial positions, allowing me to observe the World from a different perspective. Those strategic exposures led me to observe and analyze my Life from a higher perspective realizing the potential of contributing my incredible story to the betterment of the people in the entire World, as was illustrated in my third dream of being at the mountaintop and viewing the World as a whole. A sense of spiritual confidence started evolving within me during my personal prayers that, I am now ready to start the Big mission the Holy Mother has chosen me for. In addition, the honour of obtaining Canadian citizenship and understanding what it means to reach and settle on the other end of the World from being born and raised in a small town in India also enhanced my confidence to begin my dream Mission in Life. However, I was still uncertain of how I shall proceed further.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Beginning
In February 2020, just a few months after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was attending the Holy Mass at our Canadian parish. After receiving the Holy Communion, I had a great vision during the personal prayer. The Holy Mother reminded me of the fourth and final dream during the Jesus Youth Retreat, where I saw a couple receiving the Holy Rosary from Infant Jesus and sharing it with the crowd gathered in the Church. Following that vision, I heard an inner voice saying,
“Get Ready to Touch the World”
Inspired by that vision, my wife Simmy and I recorded a Holy Rosary in our native language of Malayalam and shared it through our YouTube Channel, which marked the beginning of the Santo Prayer Mission.
Initially, we shared the Rosary to help our elderly parents and relatives stranded and isolated due to the pandemic to pray the Rosary with us virtually. Later, we began to realize that the Holy Mother was leading us toward developing a bigger-than-life mission through the ‘Santo Prayer Mission,’ and hence, we kept producing more prayer videos. Thus, over three years, between 2020 to 2023, our humble family prayer mission expanded to produce and distribute over 2,000 prayer videos in 12 languages across three YouTube channels, attracting over 8 million views, 3 million watch hours and over 50,000 subscribers from over 70 countries around the World. Moreover, we had all these statistics accomplished without any formal promotion of our content on the social media pages, instead merely being done by the Holy Mother and Her beloved Son Jesus to reassure us of the purpose of our Divine Call. We are humbled and thankful for the journey that has taken us from sharing a single Rosary prayer in Malayalam to touching thousands of lives across the globe with our Santo Prayer Mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Evolution
Inspired by the Worldwide acceptance of our Catholic Family Prayer Mission, we are now partnering with Catholic Clergies and Media Partners worldwide to extend this mission further. This partnership has allowed us to create, license and distribute catholic prayers and inspirational content in over 12 languages through our dedicated Catholic Prayer and Meditation App – Santo. Through the App, we strive to make it easy for people from all over the World to practice their Faith with a simple tap on their smartphones. That’s why we aim to add more catholic content in over 50 languages by 2025, so Catholic believers across the globe will have access to prayers and inspirational content in their native language. We hope the Little Goodness Prayer World app will help people worldwide deepen their connection to Jesus and help them find solace and inner peace through prayer.
Thus, a simple Family Prayer Channel has now evolved into a world-class Catholic Prayer & Meditation App under the divine guidance and direction of the Holy Mother and special patronage of our beloved patron saint St. Joseph to get ready to save the souls for the Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus. Santo Prayer Mission aims to spread love, peace, and hope through prayers and meditation across the globe. We are passionate about providing a platform for people to connect, learn, and grow spiritually. Through the Little Goodness Prayer World app, we hope to create a community of believers who can support each other’s growth in Faith. With our mission in hand, I’m excited to bring the World closer together through prayer and spiritual connection and thus accomplish the divine mission that the Holy Mother has assigned me for our beloved Jesus and His Heavenly Kingdom. Together, let us create a better world through prayers and Faith!
Join us on our mission to spread Faith and prayer around the World!
Join UsDonkey of Jesus – My Dream of Life No matter what others may say about you or how abandoned and rejected you may feel, God still needs you

Growing up in sincere devotion to the Holy Family and Catholic Saints and in obedience to the Teachings of the Church, I always dreamed of becoming a Catholic priest or missionary for Jesus and bringing His teachings to those in need worldwide. As much as I longed to fulfill this calling, my responsibility as the only son of my parents meant that I had to choose an ordinary life in order to provide for them. Still, I never stopped dreaming of being able to share His teachings with others, and so throughout my childhood, I held onto cherished memories of attending holy Mass daily at my native parish, praying with my family every evening and hearing stories of Catholic Saints and bible heroes from my elders. In my heart, I knew that even though I could not go out as a missionary, I could still follow Jesus’s mission in different ways. Therefore, with Faith and humility, I dedicated myself to living with love for others, being open to His will and teachings no matter what Life brought my way.
The story of the Donkey in the Bible has been remarkable to me since I was a child. Growing up, I never entirely understood why God chose an abandoned Donkey from the streets to carry Jesus on His entry into Jerusalem. After pondering it for many years, my Sunday School teacher taught us that Jesus’ choosing of the Donkey was a message from God that
“no matter what others may say about you or how abandoned and rejected you may feel, God still needs you. God uses all kinds of people, even those who feel forgotten and used up. He needs us all because we each have something to offer Him on His journey through our lives.”
These teachings from my Sunday school teacher kept motivating me in my childhood days that, one day, I would become the ‘Donkey of Jesus’ to carry him everywhere I go. This dream has always motivated me to proclaim my Faith wherever I went over these years.
Four Dreams – My Divine Call I was thrilled that the Holy Mother has chosen me for this Big Mission for Her beloved Son
My First Dream

My Second Dream

My Third Dream

My Fourth Dream

Growing up with reverence towards the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, I have been blessed to see her in my night dreams several times. But the most awe-inspiring of these was when I was eighteen and attending a Jesus Youth Ministry retreat in our nearby parish of St. Louis Catholic Church, Mundamveli, India. This Retreat proved to be an unforgettable experience because, during that week, I received four extraordinary dreams from Monday to Thursday nights. Each dream profoundly impacted my spiritual and personal Life.
On the first night of the Retreat, I had a dream in which I saw the Holy Mother standing in the blue sky above my college corridor. Her presence seemed to follow me wherever I went, as if She was watching over me. The sight of Her so pure and radiant filled me with such peace and joy that I thought all my worries had melted away for a moment. Her presence felt comforting and serene, like a mother protecting her child from harm. It was as if She had come to bless my journey on this Retreat and give me strength and guidance for what lay ahead.
On the second night, I saw myself walking on an uphill road toward a mountain. The air was cool and refreshing as I walked up the hill, surrounded by tall buildings that seemed to have transformed into taller books of knowledge. There was an aura of magic and mystery around me, giving me a sense of awe and wonder. My heart raced with excitement as I wondered what secrets I would uncover in this second night's dream. With each new step forward, it seemed like I was discovering something new and unexpected. Was I on my way to unlocking some profound truth? It was unclear, but whatever awaited me at the top of the mountain kept me walking onward with anticipation.
On the Third night, I saw myself standing at the high-view point of the mountain, with an overwhelming view of the entire World. A sense of amazement and calmness filled me as I took in all the beauty that lay in front of me. All my worries seemed to vanish at this moment, and for once, I felt completely free and liberated. I knew then that Life was full of wonder and possibilities waiting for me to explore them.
On the fourth day of my dreams, I saw a newly married couple standing in front of the statue of Perpetual Help. Suddenly, the infant Jesus smiled, took the Holy Rosary from His Mother's hands and offered it to them. As they accepted this offering from the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, their faces lit up with joy. Then, when they raised the Holy Rosary to the crowd behind them, it sparkled with divine beauty, splitting into countless small rosaries that flew out from their hands into the crowd gathered behind them. This resplendent display left all who witnessed it spellbound and profoundly moved.
On the last day of the Retreat after the fourth dream, the Director of the Retreat, Rev. Fr. Jose Uppani made an announcement during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He said,
"A boy named Jofin has been chosen by the Holy Mother to accomplish a greater mission for Her beloved son Jesus."
Upon hearing the announcement, I could hardly contain my emotion as I wondered what it meant and how I could execute this mission that the Holy Mother had chosen me for. Though I was happy and excited with the four dreams I had in the previous four nights, I was unsure of the true meaning of those dreams and the purpose of the divine calling I heard from the priest.
I felt completely unworthy of the mission I was assigned by our Holy Mother. Because I had never been good at doing anything practical or active, and as far as everyone in the community was concerned, I was a useless child. Even tasks such as studying for school tests seemed too complex for me to grasp. Despite my fears and doubts, however, I decided to trust in the will of the Holy Mother and take on this mission with all my heart. That night, I prayed fervently before her portrait of the Holy Mother in our Chapel, asking for guidance and strength to accomplish this mission.
I was in a state of prayerful meditation when suddenly I felt the overwhelming presence of the Holy Mother and felt like she was enveloping me with her love and protection. Then a message came into my heart.;
"Miracles happen in Life when you dare to dream the impossible."
Those words deeply moved me as they struck something deep inside me. A light seemed to shine from within my heart, and I experienced peace and joy I had never known before. The message inspired me to be bolder and reminded me that anything is truly possible if we believe. With newfound Faith and strength, I was determined to prove to everyone that I could be of some use and make the Holy Mother proud.
Santo Catholic Mission – My Mission for the Holy Mother Get Ready to Touch the World

My deepening Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother and Jesus made me even more vital in my prayers since the day of the divine call. I felt a renewed sense of purpose as I gradually started living this sacred mission for the Holy Mother and my best friend, Jesus. With each passing day, my dedication towards praying the Holy Rosary increased multifold, and I could feel that spiritual energy growing within me. Moreover, attending the Holy Mass with more concentration and focus helped me clear my mind from any worldly distractions, instead filling it with immense peace, tranquillity, joy and an abundance of blessings from the Almighty. All these experiences were truly mysterious yet very powerful, guiding me throughout my journey into a closer relationship with my Lord. Therefore, with gratitude and humility, I let go of all my doubts and worries and embraced this divine purpose with all my heart, soul and strength. Devotion to St.Joseph also helped me prepare for this holy mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Foundation
Since I heard the divine call, Holy Mother’s constant grace has been with me, as indicated in my first day’s dream during the Retreat. The strength of her will and the power of her Faith have seen me through countless hurdles and enabled me to unlock levels of success within myself that I did not know were there. She has encouraged me to take risks, embrace challenges, and push past boundaries that may have prevented me from achieving my goals. Every step forward has reaffirmed my commitment to the Lord and driven me to continue striving for further success.
During my college years, I often found myself studying for longer hours than usual and pouring over textbooks even when exams were months away, something which I could have never done without Her constant support and encouragement. This dedication paid off as I achieved higher grades in my B.com, and I went ahead to pursue a master’s degree in commerce – a feat that is accredited to my dear Holy Mother. After completing my post-graduation, I decided to go abroad for further studies and pursue an MBA from England. To this day, I remember the serenity and peace of mind that her presence brought to me during those trying times when it seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. After completing my MBA and a few years of post-study work in England, I moved to Canada in 2012 as a Permanent Resident and completed my CPA-CGA designations in 2016. In 2018, I became a Canadian Citizen; the year after, I completed my ACCA designation from the UK. Throughout my academic and professional journey, Blessed Mother has been with me every step of the way. Her guidance and presence have enabled me to reach greater heights than I ever thought possible.
I dreamed of completing higher education and more extensive educational qualifications as a child. Even though there was no hope of getting to these milestones as a kid growing up in a low-income family in a rural town in India, I always believed that the Holy Mother of Jesus would guide me to these higher educational qualifications. Hence, accomplishing these professional qualifications and designations always made the seven-year-old child inside me incredibly proud and more deeply thankful to Holy Mother who guided me throughout my Life.
Since accomplishing my CPA-CGA Designations in Canada, I have moved on to higher strategic managerial positions, allowing me to observe the World from a different perspective. Those strategic exposures led me to observe and analyze my Life from a higher perspective realizing the potential of contributing my incredible story to the betterment of the people in the entire World, as was illustrated in my third dream of being at the mountaintop and viewing the World as a whole. A sense of spiritual confidence started evolving within me during my personal prayers that, I am now ready to start the Big mission the Holy Mother has chosen me for. In addition, the honour of obtaining Canadian citizenship and understanding what it means to reach and settle on the other end of the World from being born and raised in a small town in India also enhanced my confidence to begin my dream Mission in Life. However, I was still uncertain of how I shall proceed further.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Beginning
In February 2020, just a few months after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was attending the Holy Mass at our Canadian parish. After receiving the Holy Communion, I had a great vision during the personal prayer. The Holy Mother reminded me of the fourth and final dream during the Jesus Youth Retreat, where I saw a couple receiving the Holy Rosary from Infant Jesus and sharing it with the crowd gathered in the Church. Following that vision, I heard an inner voice saying,
“Get Ready to Touch the World”
Inspired by that vision, my wife Simmy and I recorded a Holy Rosary in our native language of Malayalam and shared it through our YouTube Channel, which marked the beginning of the Santo Prayer Mission.
Initially, we shared the Rosary to help our elderly parents and relatives stranded and isolated due to the pandemic to pray the Rosary with us virtually. Later, we began to realize that the Holy Mother was leading us toward developing a bigger-than-life mission through the ‘Santo Prayer Mission,’ and hence, we kept producing more prayer videos. Thus, over three years, between 2020 to 2023, our humble family prayer mission expanded to produce and distribute over 2,000 prayer videos in 12 languages across three YouTube channels, attracting over 8 million views, 3 million watch hours and over 50,000 subscribers from over 70 countries around the World. Moreover, we had all these statistics accomplished without any formal promotion of our content on the social media pages, instead merely being done by the Holy Mother and Her beloved Son Jesus to reassure us of the purpose of our Divine Call. We are humbled and thankful for the journey that has taken us from sharing a single Rosary prayer in Malayalam to touching thousands of lives across the globe with our Santo Prayer Mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Evolution
Inspired by the Worldwide acceptance of our Catholic Family Prayer Mission, we are now partnering with Catholic Clergies and Media Partners worldwide to extend this mission further. This partnership has allowed us to create, license and distribute catholic prayers and inspirational content in over 12 languages through our dedicated Catholic Prayer and Meditation App – Santo. Through the App, we strive to make it easy for people from all over the World to practice their Faith with a simple tap on their smartphones. That’s why we aim to add more catholic content in over 50 languages by 2025, so Catholic believers across the globe will have access to prayers and inspirational content in their native language. We hope the Little Goodness Prayer World app will help people worldwide deepen their connection to Jesus and help them find solace and inner peace through prayer.
Thus, a simple Family Prayer Channel has now evolved into a world-class Catholic Prayer & Meditation App under the divine guidance and direction of the Holy Mother and special patronage of our beloved patron saint St. Joseph to get ready to save the souls for the Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus. Santo Prayer Mission aims to spread love, peace, and hope through prayers and meditation across the globe. We are passionate about providing a platform for people to connect, learn, and grow spiritually. Through the Little Goodness Prayer World app, we hope to create a community of believers who can support each other’s growth in Faith. With our mission in hand, I’m excited to bring the World closer together through prayer and spiritual connection and thus accomplish the divine mission that the Holy Mother has assigned me for our beloved Jesus and His Heavenly Kingdom. Together, let us create a better world through prayers and Faith!
Join us on our mission to spread Faith and prayer around the World!
Join UsLegion of Mary – The Marian Army It is an experience that I will always cherish as Legion of Mary has planted the foundation for my own Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother

During my childhood days in India, my grandmother and other elders in our neighbourhood gathered every week at our community chapel for the ‘Legion of Mary’ prayer meetings and recitation of the Holy Rosary. I was always in awe of the Faith and devotion of my grandmother and other members of the Legion of Mary toward the Holy Mother. So every Wednesday, I eagerly looked forward to their prayer meetings at our local Chapel after school hours.
The elders were a true example of Mary’s army of prayer warriors, kneeling and raising the rosary beads in hand and earnestly praying for divine grace. Their prayers seemed to be filled with such sincerity and love that I could feel it radiating throughout the whole Chapel. Even though I was just a child, I was inspired by their devotion toward Our Lady and her power through the Holy Rosary. It is an experience I will always cherish as it has planted the foundation for my Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother. It was a wonderful experience for me to be welcomed in these Legion of Mary prayer meetings, where I could learn about Faith, hope and love through their strong prayers. These prayer sessions taught me how one could stay devoted to the Holy Mother and pray for divine grace through her power of the Rosary.
I watched in amazement as my grandmother and friends would weep and cry during their prayers. Their Faith in Rosary’s power was awe-inspiring, and it spoke volumes about how much they loved the Holy Rosary. Inspired by my elders’ spiritual connection with the Holy Rosary, I mobilized a group of children and teenagers from our community and started a Kid’s version of The Legion of Mary in our community. For several years, we conducted weekly prayer meetings and recitals that brought us, children, in the community closer to the Holy Mother and her beloved Son. My time with the Legion of Mary shaped my Faith and made me more aware of the importance of the Rosary prayer.
In hindsight, I am grateful for my spiritual journey as part of the Legion of Mary. It has left a lasting impression on my Life, and I am content to have been able to share my love towards the Holy Mother with so many young hearts. Despite leaving our community many years ago for my higher education in the UK, the memories still remain close to my heart. As I reflect on those days, it is with tremendous joy that I recall participating in The Legion of Mary prayer gatherings. This experience will always stay with me for eternity.
Four Dreams – My Divine Call I was thrilled that the Holy Mother has chosen me for this Big Mission for Her beloved Son
My First Dream

My Second Dream

My Third Dream

My Fourth Dream

Growing up with reverence towards the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, I have been blessed to see her in my night dreams several times. But the most awe-inspiring of these was when I was eighteen and attending a Jesus Youth Ministry retreat in our nearby parish of St. Louis Catholic Church, Mundamveli, India. This Retreat proved to be an unforgettable experience because, during that week, I received four extraordinary dreams from Monday to Thursday nights. Each dream profoundly impacted my spiritual and personal Life.
On the first night of the Retreat, I had a dream in which I saw the Holy Mother standing in the blue sky above my college corridor. Her presence seemed to follow me wherever I went, as if She was watching over me. The sight of Her so pure and radiant filled me with such peace and joy that I thought all my worries had melted away for a moment. Her presence felt comforting and serene, like a mother protecting her child from harm. It was as if She had come to bless my journey on this Retreat and give me strength and guidance for what lay ahead.
On the second night, I saw myself walking on an uphill road toward a mountain. The air was cool and refreshing as I walked up the hill, surrounded by tall buildings that seemed to have transformed into taller books of knowledge. There was an aura of magic and mystery around me, giving me a sense of awe and wonder. My heart raced with excitement as I wondered what secrets I would uncover in this second night's dream. With each new step forward, it seemed like I was discovering something new and unexpected. Was I on my way to unlocking some profound truth? It was unclear, but whatever awaited me at the top of the mountain kept me walking onward with anticipation.
On the Third night, I saw myself standing at the high-view point of the mountain, with an overwhelming view of the entire World. A sense of amazement and calmness filled me as I took in all the beauty that lay in front of me. All my worries seemed to vanish at this moment, and for once, I felt completely free and liberated. I knew then that Life was full of wonder and possibilities waiting for me to explore them.
On the fourth day of my dreams, I saw a newly married couple standing in front of the statue of Perpetual Help. Suddenly, the infant Jesus smiled, took the Holy Rosary from His Mother's hands and offered it to them. As they accepted this offering from the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, their faces lit up with joy. Then, when they raised the Holy Rosary to the crowd behind them, it sparkled with divine beauty, splitting into countless small rosaries that flew out from their hands into the crowd gathered behind them. This resplendent display left all who witnessed it spellbound and profoundly moved.
On the last day of the Retreat after the fourth dream, the Director of the Retreat, Rev. Fr. Jose Uppani made an announcement during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He said,
"A boy named Jofin has been chosen by the Holy Mother to accomplish a greater mission for Her beloved son Jesus."
Upon hearing the announcement, I could hardly contain my emotion as I wondered what it meant and how I could execute this mission that the Holy Mother had chosen me for. Though I was happy and excited with the four dreams I had in the previous four nights, I was unsure of the true meaning of those dreams and the purpose of the divine calling I heard from the priest.
I felt completely unworthy of the mission I was assigned by our Holy Mother. Because I had never been good at doing anything practical or active, and as far as everyone in the community was concerned, I was a useless child. Even tasks such as studying for school tests seemed too complex for me to grasp. Despite my fears and doubts, however, I decided to trust in the will of the Holy Mother and take on this mission with all my heart. That night, I prayed fervently before her portrait of the Holy Mother in our Chapel, asking for guidance and strength to accomplish this mission.
I was in a state of prayerful meditation when suddenly I felt the overwhelming presence of the Holy Mother and felt like she was enveloping me with her love and protection. Then a message came into my heart.;
"Miracles happen in Life when you dare to dream the impossible."
Those words deeply moved me as they struck something deep inside me. A light seemed to shine from within my heart, and I experienced peace and joy I had never known before. The message inspired me to be bolder and reminded me that anything is truly possible if we believe. With newfound Faith and strength, I was determined to prove to everyone that I could be of some use and make the Holy Mother proud.
Santo Catholic Mission – My Mission for the Holy Mother Get Ready to Touch the World

My deepening Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother and Jesus made me even more vital in my prayers since the day of the divine call. I felt a renewed sense of purpose as I gradually started living this sacred mission for the Holy Mother and my best friend, Jesus. With each passing day, my dedication towards praying the Holy Rosary increased multifold, and I could feel that spiritual energy growing within me. Moreover, attending the Holy Mass with more concentration and focus helped me clear my mind from any worldly distractions, instead filling it with immense peace, tranquillity, joy and an abundance of blessings from the Almighty. All these experiences were truly mysterious yet very powerful, guiding me throughout my journey into a closer relationship with my Lord. Therefore, with gratitude and humility, I let go of all my doubts and worries and embraced this divine purpose with all my heart, soul and strength. Devotion to St.Joseph also helped me prepare for this holy mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Foundation
Since I heard the divine call, Holy Mother’s constant grace has been with me, as indicated in my first day’s dream during the Retreat. The strength of her will and the power of her Faith have seen me through countless hurdles and enabled me to unlock levels of success within myself that I did not know were there. She has encouraged me to take risks, embrace challenges, and push past boundaries that may have prevented me from achieving my goals. Every step forward has reaffirmed my commitment to the Lord and driven me to continue striving for further success.
During my college years, I often found myself studying for longer hours than usual and pouring over textbooks even when exams were months away, something which I could have never done without Her constant support and encouragement. This dedication paid off as I achieved higher grades in my B.com, and I went ahead to pursue a master’s degree in commerce – a feat that is accredited to my dear Holy Mother. After completing my post-graduation, I decided to go abroad for further studies and pursue an MBA from England. To this day, I remember the serenity and peace of mind that her presence brought to me during those trying times when it seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. After completing my MBA and a few years of post-study work in England, I moved to Canada in 2012 as a Permanent Resident and completed my CPA-CGA designations in 2016. In 2018, I became a Canadian Citizen; the year after, I completed my ACCA designation from the UK. Throughout my academic and professional journey, Blessed Mother has been with me every step of the way. Her guidance and presence have enabled me to reach greater heights than I ever thought possible.
I dreamed of completing higher education and more extensive educational qualifications as a child. Even though there was no hope of getting to these milestones as a kid growing up in a low-income family in a rural town in India, I always believed that the Holy Mother of Jesus would guide me to these higher educational qualifications. Hence, accomplishing these professional qualifications and designations always made the seven-year-old child inside me incredibly proud and more deeply thankful to Holy Mother who guided me throughout my Life.
Since accomplishing my CPA-CGA Designations in Canada, I have moved on to higher strategic managerial positions, allowing me to observe the World from a different perspective. Those strategic exposures led me to observe and analyze my Life from a higher perspective realizing the potential of contributing my incredible story to the betterment of the people in the entire World, as was illustrated in my third dream of being at the mountaintop and viewing the World as a whole. A sense of spiritual confidence started evolving within me during my personal prayers that, I am now ready to start the Big mission the Holy Mother has chosen me for. In addition, the honour of obtaining Canadian citizenship and understanding what it means to reach and settle on the other end of the World from being born and raised in a small town in India also enhanced my confidence to begin my dream Mission in Life. However, I was still uncertain of how I shall proceed further.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Beginning
In February 2020, just a few months after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was attending the Holy Mass at our Canadian parish. After receiving the Holy Communion, I had a great vision during the personal prayer. The Holy Mother reminded me of the fourth and final dream during the Jesus Youth Retreat, where I saw a couple receiving the Holy Rosary from Infant Jesus and sharing it with the crowd gathered in the Church. Following that vision, I heard an inner voice saying,
“Get Ready to Touch the World”
Inspired by that vision, my wife Simmy and I recorded a Holy Rosary in our native language of Malayalam and shared it through our YouTube Channel, which marked the beginning of the Santo Prayer Mission.
Initially, we shared the Rosary to help our elderly parents and relatives stranded and isolated due to the pandemic to pray the Rosary with us virtually. Later, we began to realize that the Holy Mother was leading us toward developing a bigger-than-life mission through the ‘Santo Prayer Mission,’ and hence, we kept producing more prayer videos. Thus, over three years, between 2020 to 2023, our humble family prayer mission expanded to produce and distribute over 2,000 prayer videos in 12 languages across three YouTube channels, attracting over 8 million views, 3 million watch hours and over 50,000 subscribers from over 70 countries around the World. Moreover, we had all these statistics accomplished without any formal promotion of our content on the social media pages, instead merely being done by the Holy Mother and Her beloved Son Jesus to reassure us of the purpose of our Divine Call. We are humbled and thankful for the journey that has taken us from sharing a single Rosary prayer in Malayalam to touching thousands of lives across the globe with our Santo Prayer Mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Evolution
Inspired by the Worldwide acceptance of our Catholic Family Prayer Mission, we are now partnering with Catholic Clergies and Media Partners worldwide to extend this mission further. This partnership has allowed us to create, license and distribute catholic prayers and inspirational content in over 12 languages through our dedicated Catholic Prayer and Meditation App – Santo. Through the App, we strive to make it easy for people from all over the World to practice their Faith with a simple tap on their smartphones. That’s why we aim to add more catholic content in over 50 languages by 2025, so Catholic believers across the globe will have access to prayers and inspirational content in their native language. We hope the Little Goodness Prayer World app will help people worldwide deepen their connection to Jesus and help them find solace and inner peace through prayer.
Thus, a simple Family Prayer Channel has now evolved into a world-class Catholic Prayer & Meditation App under the divine guidance and direction of the Holy Mother and special patronage of our beloved patron saint St. Joseph to get ready to save the souls for the Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus. Santo Prayer Mission aims to spread love, peace, and hope through prayers and meditation across the globe. We are passionate about providing a platform for people to connect, learn, and grow spiritually. Through the Little Goodness Prayer World app, we hope to create a community of believers who can support each other’s growth in Faith. With our mission in hand, I’m excited to bring the World closer together through prayer and spiritual connection and thus accomplish the divine mission that the Holy Mother has assigned me for our beloved Jesus and His Heavenly Kingdom. Together, let us create a better world through prayers and Faith!
Join us on our mission to spread Faith and prayer around the World!
Join UsJesus Youth Ministry – My Friends in Christ My spiritual Life as a teenager took an abounding turn when I joined the Jesus Youth Ministry in my first year of college in Cochin, India

My spiritual Life as a teenager took an abounding turn when I joined the Jesus Youth Ministry in my first year of college in Cochin, India. Through this Catholic ministry for youth, I gained strength and confidence in actively living out my Faith. Through this ministry, I was able to gain valuable insight into matters of Faith and spirituality. Not only did I learn more about the Catholic Church and its doctrines, but I was also exposed to many amazing people who shared their own faith stories with me. These stories showed me how having Faith in Jesus and His Holy Mother can impact one’s Life significantly. Through this experience, I came to understand that it is essential for us Christians to strive for holiness and work hard toward leading a Christ-like life.
In addition, by participating in various activities hosted by the Jesus Youth Ministry, such as retreats, prayer vigils, social outreach events and worship meetings, I was able to further my relationship with Jesus Christ. In these activities, I felt a deep sense of connection with Jesus and His Church that led me to open up about my struggles and share my faith story with others. Those wonderful moments of sharing the Faith in Christ with friends and peers of the same age strengthened me on how to carry the mission of the Church into my everyday Life to share the Good News with others, especially those on the peripheries. Through this ministry, I could truly appreciate what it means to be a disciple of Jesus and an evangelizer for the Catholic Faith.
During this time, I grew in my Faith as a young adult and began to understand the importance of having a strong spiritual relationship with Jesus. Through prayerful moments, studying the Bible, and participating in spiritual discourses, prayer vigils and youth retreats, I could come closer to Jesus and his Holy Mother. This experience helped me grow in Faith and gave me the inner peace I had always been searching for. I am deeply grateful to Jesus Youth Ministry for allowing me to nurture my spiritual Life as a teenager and making me understand the importance of a life-long commitment to Jesus and His Church. I am always thankful that Jesus Youth Ministry has impacted my spiritual growth, allowing me to experience Jesus’ love more deeply than ever before.
Four Dreams – My Divine Call I was thrilled that the Holy Mother has chosen me for this Big Mission for Her beloved Son
My First Dream

My Second Dream

My Third Dream

My Fourth Dream

Growing up with reverence towards the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, I have been blessed to see her in my night dreams several times. But the most awe-inspiring of these was when I was eighteen and attending a Jesus Youth Ministry retreat in our nearby parish of St. Louis Catholic Church, Mundamveli, India. This Retreat proved to be an unforgettable experience because, during that week, I received four extraordinary dreams from Monday to Thursday nights. Each dream profoundly impacted my spiritual and personal Life.
On the first night of the Retreat, I had a dream in which I saw the Holy Mother standing in the blue sky above my college corridor. Her presence seemed to follow me wherever I went, as if She was watching over me. The sight of Her so pure and radiant filled me with such peace and joy that I thought all my worries had melted away for a moment. Her presence felt comforting and serene, like a mother protecting her child from harm. It was as if She had come to bless my journey on this Retreat and give me strength and guidance for what lay ahead.
On the second night, I saw myself walking on an uphill road toward a mountain. The air was cool and refreshing as I walked up the hill, surrounded by tall buildings that seemed to have transformed into taller books of knowledge. There was an aura of magic and mystery around me, giving me a sense of awe and wonder. My heart raced with excitement as I wondered what secrets I would uncover in this second night's dream. With each new step forward, it seemed like I was discovering something new and unexpected. Was I on my way to unlocking some profound truth? It was unclear, but whatever awaited me at the top of the mountain kept me walking onward with anticipation.
On the Third night, I saw myself standing at the high-view point of the mountain, with an overwhelming view of the entire World. A sense of amazement and calmness filled me as I took in all the beauty that lay in front of me. All my worries seemed to vanish at this moment, and for once, I felt completely free and liberated. I knew then that Life was full of wonder and possibilities waiting for me to explore them.
On the fourth day of my dreams, I saw a newly married couple standing in front of the statue of Perpetual Help. Suddenly, the infant Jesus smiled, took the Holy Rosary from His Mother's hands and offered it to them. As they accepted this offering from the Holy Mother and Infant Jesus, their faces lit up with joy. Then, when they raised the Holy Rosary to the crowd behind them, it sparkled with divine beauty, splitting into countless small rosaries that flew out from their hands into the crowd gathered behind them. This resplendent display left all who witnessed it spellbound and profoundly moved.
On the last day of the Retreat after the fourth dream, the Director of the Retreat, Rev. Fr. Jose Uppani made an announcement during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He said,
"A boy named Jofin has been chosen by the Holy Mother to accomplish a greater mission for Her beloved son Jesus."
Upon hearing the announcement, I could hardly contain my emotion as I wondered what it meant and how I could execute this mission that the Holy Mother had chosen me for. Though I was happy and excited with the four dreams I had in the previous four nights, I was unsure of the true meaning of those dreams and the purpose of the divine calling I heard from the priest.
I felt completely unworthy of the mission I was assigned by our Holy Mother. Because I had never been good at doing anything practical or active, and as far as everyone in the community was concerned, I was a useless child. Even tasks such as studying for school tests seemed too complex for me to grasp. Despite my fears and doubts, however, I decided to trust in the will of the Holy Mother and take on this mission with all my heart. That night, I prayed fervently before her portrait of the Holy Mother in our Chapel, asking for guidance and strength to accomplish this mission.
I was in a state of prayerful meditation when suddenly I felt the overwhelming presence of the Holy Mother and felt like she was enveloping me with her love and protection. Then a message came into my heart.;
"Miracles happen in Life when you dare to dream the impossible."
Those words deeply moved me as they struck something deep inside me. A light seemed to shine from within my heart, and I experienced peace and joy I had never known before. The message inspired me to be bolder and reminded me that anything is truly possible if we believe. With newfound Faith and strength, I was determined to prove to everyone that I could be of some use and make the Holy Mother proud.
Santo Catholic Mission – My Mission for the Holy Mother Get Ready to Touch the World

My deepening Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother and Jesus made me even more vital in my prayers since the day of the divine call. I felt a renewed sense of purpose as I gradually started living this sacred mission for the Holy Mother and my best friend, Jesus. With each passing day, my dedication towards praying the Holy Rosary increased multifold, and I could feel that spiritual energy growing within me. Moreover, attending the Holy Mass with more concentration and focus helped me clear my mind from any worldly distractions, instead filling it with immense peace, tranquillity, joy and an abundance of blessings from the Almighty. All these experiences were truly mysterious yet very powerful, guiding me throughout my journey into a closer relationship with my Lord. Therefore, with gratitude and humility, I let go of all my doubts and worries and embraced this divine purpose with all my heart, soul and strength. Devotion to St.Joseph also helped me prepare for this holy mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Foundation
Since I heard the divine call, Holy Mother’s constant grace has been with me, as indicated in my first day’s dream during the Retreat. The strength of her will and the power of her Faith have seen me through countless hurdles and enabled me to unlock levels of success within myself that I did not know were there. She has encouraged me to take risks, embrace challenges, and push past boundaries that may have prevented me from achieving my goals. Every step forward has reaffirmed my commitment to the Lord and driven me to continue striving for further success.
During my college years, I often found myself studying for longer hours than usual and pouring over textbooks even when exams were months away, something which I could have never done without Her constant support and encouragement. This dedication paid off as I achieved higher grades in my B.com, and I went ahead to pursue a master’s degree in commerce – a feat that is accredited to my dear Holy Mother. After completing my post-graduation, I decided to go abroad for further studies and pursue an MBA from England. To this day, I remember the serenity and peace of mind that her presence brought to me during those trying times when it seemed like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. After completing my MBA and a few years of post-study work in England, I moved to Canada in 2012 as a Permanent Resident and completed my CPA-CGA designations in 2016. In 2018, I became a Canadian Citizen; the year after, I completed my ACCA designation from the UK. Throughout my academic and professional journey, Blessed Mother has been with me every step of the way. Her guidance and presence have enabled me to reach greater heights than I ever thought possible.
I dreamed of completing higher education and more extensive educational qualifications as a child. Even though there was no hope of getting to these milestones as a kid growing up in a low-income family in a rural town in India, I always believed that the Holy Mother of Jesus would guide me to these higher educational qualifications. Hence, accomplishing these professional qualifications and designations always made the seven-year-old child inside me incredibly proud and more deeply thankful to Holy Mother who guided me throughout my Life.
Since accomplishing my CPA-CGA Designations in Canada, I have moved on to higher strategic managerial positions, allowing me to observe the World from a different perspective. Those strategic exposures led me to observe and analyze my Life from a higher perspective realizing the potential of contributing my incredible story to the betterment of the people in the entire World, as was illustrated in my third dream of being at the mountaintop and viewing the World as a whole. A sense of spiritual confidence started evolving within me during my personal prayers that, I am now ready to start the Big mission the Holy Mother has chosen me for. In addition, the honour of obtaining Canadian citizenship and understanding what it means to reach and settle on the other end of the World from being born and raised in a small town in India also enhanced my confidence to begin my dream Mission in Life. However, I was still uncertain of how I shall proceed further.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Beginning
In February 2020, just a few months after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was attending the Holy Mass at our Canadian parish. After receiving the Holy Communion, I had a great vision during the personal prayer. The Holy Mother reminded me of the fourth and final dream during the Jesus Youth Retreat, where I saw a couple receiving the Holy Rosary from Infant Jesus and sharing it with the crowd gathered in the Church. Following that vision, I heard an inner voice saying,
“Get Ready to Touch the World”
Inspired by that vision, my wife Simmy and I recorded a Holy Rosary in our native language of Malayalam and shared it through our YouTube Channel, which marked the beginning of the Santo Prayer Mission.
Initially, we shared the Rosary to help our elderly parents and relatives stranded and isolated due to the pandemic to pray the Rosary with us virtually. Later, we began to realize that the Holy Mother was leading us toward developing a bigger-than-life mission through the ‘Santo Prayer Mission,’ and hence, we kept producing more prayer videos. Thus, over three years, between 2020 to 2023, our humble family prayer mission expanded to produce and distribute over 2,000 prayer videos in 12 languages across three YouTube channels, attracting over 8 million views, 3 million watch hours and over 50,000 subscribers from over 70 countries around the World. Moreover, we had all these statistics accomplished without any formal promotion of our content on the social media pages, instead merely being done by the Holy Mother and Her beloved Son Jesus to reassure us of the purpose of our Divine Call. We are humbled and thankful for the journey that has taken us from sharing a single Rosary prayer in Malayalam to touching thousands of lives across the globe with our Santo Prayer Mission.
Santo Prayer Mission – The Evolution
Inspired by the Worldwide acceptance of our Catholic Family Prayer Mission, we are now partnering with Catholic Clergies and Media Partners worldwide to extend this mission further. This partnership has allowed us to create, license and distribute catholic prayers and inspirational content in over 12 languages through our dedicated Catholic Prayer and Meditation App – Santo. Through the App, we strive to make it easy for people from all over the World to practice their Faith with a simple tap on their smartphones. That’s why we aim to add more catholic content in over 50 languages by 2025, so Catholic believers across the globe will have access to prayers and inspirational content in their native language. We hope the Little Goodness Prayer World app will help people worldwide deepen their connection to Jesus and help them find solace and inner peace through prayer.
Thus, a simple Family Prayer Channel has now evolved into a world-class Catholic Prayer & Meditation App under the divine guidance and direction of the Holy Mother and special patronage of our beloved patron saint St. Joseph to get ready to save the souls for the Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus. Santo Prayer Mission aims to spread love, peace, and hope through prayers and meditation across the globe. We are passionate about providing a platform for people to connect, learn, and grow spiritually. Through the Little Goodness Prayer World app, we hope to create a community of believers who can support each other’s growth in Faith. With our mission in hand, I’m excited to bring the World closer together through prayer and spiritual connection and thus accomplish the divine mission that the Holy Mother has assigned me for our beloved Jesus and His Heavenly Kingdom. Together, let us create a better world through prayers and Faith!