Get Ready to Touch the World

Our Founder's Faith Journey & The Story of Santo Catholic Mission

My Catholic Life – The Foundation

Growing up in a devoted Catholic Family in my hometown in India was a unique and enriching experience

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Infant Jesus – My First Friend

I'm thankful for having such a close relationship with Infant Jesus, and for all the unconditional love He has given me throughout my Life.

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Holy Mother & Me – The Beginning

From that day onwards, I began my spiritual journey alongside the Holy Mother

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St. Joseph – My Patron of Life

I was always happy to have entrusted all my ventures and dreams to the special patronage of St. Joseph, the protector of the Holy Family and Catholic Church

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Holy Rosary – My Source of Courage

I try to pray the Rosary as many times as possible, as it gives me immense courage to face any challenges each day brings

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Holy Mass – My Energy Booster

Each Holy Mass offers me a great level of energy to withstand all challenges in my life.

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Catholic Saints – My Invisible Fireflies

I was always inspired by the life stories of Catholic Saints who guided me in my spiritual journey.

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Donkey of Jesus – My Dream of Life

No matter what others may say about you or how abandoned and rejected you may feel, God still needs you

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Legion of Mary – The Marian Army

It is an experience that I will always cherish as Legion of Mary has planted the foundation for my own Faith and devotion to the Holy Mother

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Jesus Youth Ministry – My Friends in Christ

My spiritual Life as a teenager took an abounding turn when I joined the Jesus Youth Ministry in my first year of college in Cochin, India

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Four Dreams - My Divine Call

“I was thrilled that the Holy Mother has chosen me for this Big Mission for Her beloved Son”

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Santo Catholic Mission – My Mission for the Holy Mother

“Get Ready to Touch the World.”

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